Part II: Data Discovery with Informatica Analyst > Discovery Search in Informatica Analyst > Match Types

Match Types

Discovery search results include direct matches and indirect matches. A direct match is a match with some or all the metadata of the asset that matches the search query. An indirect match is an asset match that is linked to another asset that directly matches the search query.
If a search query contains multiple search criteria, search results might meet the search criteria directly, indirectly, or both. You can open some of the direct and indirect matches from the search results in read-only or edit mode.

Direct Match

A direct match is a match with some or all the metadata of the asset that matches the search query. For example, if you search for all assets with the name "Customer," the Analyst tool might list data objects and profiles with the name "Customer" as direct matches. After you perform a discovery search, the match list that you see contains links to some of the objects.
You can expand an asset in the search results to view more information about the direct match, such as asset properties.

Indirect Match

An indirect match is a match linked to the direct match. For example, a scorecard uses a rule, which contains the search keyword. Discovery search returns the rule as a direct match and scorecard as an indirect match. The scorecard is an indirect match because it references the rule.
Use the indirect match information to identify hidden relationships between objects and understand object relationships better. You can also use the indirect match results to understand why discovery search returns an object.

Viewing the Match Information

After you perform discovery search, you can view the match information including direct and indirect matches. You can also view the asset properties, such as asset type, description, and related assets. You can open some of the assets from the search results and make changes to them, if required.
    1. Perform the global search or discovery search in the Search section of the Library workspace.
    2. In the results grid, click the "expand" icon at the beginning of an asset name.
    The asset properties and match information appear in a section under the asset name.
    3. Review the direct match and indirect match information.
    You can see asset relationships and other information, such as the total number of related assets. The asset relationships include both direct matches and indirect matches.
    4. If the asset information contains hyperlinks, click the hyperlinks to open the assets in another workspace.
    5. Click the "expand" icon again to close the match information section.

Opening Assets from Discovery Search Results

You need to have the required project, asset, and license permissions to view assets from the discovery search results.
    1. Perform the global search or discovery search in the Search section of the Library workspace.
    2. In the results grid, right-click an asset name.
    A short-cut menu appears.
    3. To view the asset in a read-only mode in its workspace, select Open.
    4. To make changes to the asset in its workspace, select Edit.
    5. To delete the asset from the search results, select Delete.
    When you delete an asset from the search results, the Analyst tool removes the asset from the Model repository.
    6. To navigate back to the Library workspace, click Library.