Part III: Data Discovery with Informatica Developer > Column Profile Results in Informatica Developer > Exporting Profile Results from Informatica Developer

Exporting Profile Results from Informatica Developer

You can export column values, column patterns, and column datatypes from the profile results to a CSV file.
    1. In the Object Explorerview, open a profile.
    2. Optionally, run the profile to update the profile results.
    3. Select the Resultsview.
    4. Select the column that contains the data for export.
    5. Under Details, select Values, Patterns, or Datatypes and click the Export icon.
    The Export data to a file dialog box opens.
    6. Accept or change the default file name.
    7. Select the type of data to export. You can select Values for the selected column, Patterns for the selected column, or Datatypes for the selected column.
    8. Click Browse to select a location and save the file locally in your computer.
    9. If you do not want to export field names as the first row, clear the Export field names as first row check box.
    10. Click OK.