Part I: Getting Started with Informatica Analyst > Lesson 3. Creating Quick Profiles > Column Profile Results Summary

Column Profile Results Summary

The column profile results summary includes name, unique values, null values, and datatypes.
The following table describes the information that appears for each column in a profile:
Name of the column in the profile.
Unique Values
Number of unique values in the column.
% Unique
Percentage of unique values in the column.
Number of null values in the column.
% Null
Percentage of column values that are null.
Datatype derived from the values in the column. The Analyst tool can derive the following datatypes from the column values:
  • - String
  • - Varchar
  • - Decimal
  • - Integer
  • - Null [-]
% Inferred
Percentage of values that match the data type inferred by the Analyst tool.
Documented Datatype
Datatype declared for the column in the profiled object.
Minimum Value
Minimum value in the column.
Maximum Value
Maximum value in the column.
Last Profile Run
Date and time you last ran the profile.
If selected, enables drilldown on live data for the column.