Review Duplicates Task
When you review the records in a cluster, you validate the work done by another user in a previous step. You can perform the same processes in the review duplicates task as in a correct duplicates task.
When you review cluster data, examine the preferred record defined by the previous user and the other records in the cluster. Verify that the preferred record represents the most accurate version of the records in the cluster. Update the preferred record if you find more accurate data in another record in the cluster.
Verify that the other records in the cluster do not include any record that the business might want to keep. You can create a cluster and add the record to the cluster.
Note: Your Inbox might contain correct duplicate tasks and it might contain review duplicates tasks.
Reviewing Duplicate Records
When you review the output of a correct duplicates task, you validate that the preferred records represent the best version of the data in the clusters. You review one cluster at a time. The review task ends when you review all clusters and set the task status.
Perform the following steps for all clusters in the task:
1. Open a cluster in Data Editing panel.
2. Compare the preferred record with the other records in the cluster.
3. Verify that the preferred record contains the most accurate version of the data in the cluster.
- - If a cluster status is reviewed but needs additional work, click Edit and clear the cluster status.
- - If you find an error in the preferred record and you do not want to keep the cluster, click Edit and click Cluster Actions > Reject Record.
- - If you want to update the preferred record, click Edit and change the preferred record.
- - When a record is correct, click Cluster Actions > Accept Record.
After you review the records in all clusters, you can change the task status to the next step in the workflow.