Part II: Profiling with Informatica Analyst > Scorecards in Informatica Analyst > Scorecard Notifications

Scorecard Notifications

You can configure scorecard notification settings so that the Analyst tool sends emails when specific metric scores or metric group scores move across thresholds or remain in specific score ranges, such as Unacceptable, Acceptable, and Good.
You can configure email notifications for individual metric scores and metric groups. If you use the global settings, the Analyst tool sends notification emails when the scores of selected metrics cross the threshold from the score ranges Good to Acceptable and Acceptable to Bad. You also get notification emails for each scorecard run if the score remains in the Unacceptable score range across consecutive scorecard runs.
You can customize the notification settings so that scorecard users get email notifications when the scores move from the Unacceptable to Acceptable and Acceptable to Good score ranges. You can also choose to send email notifications if a score remains within specific score ranges for every scorecard run.

Notification Email Message Template

You can set up the message text and structure of email messages that the Analyst tool sends to recipients as part of scorecard notifications. The email template has an optional introductory text section, read-only message body section, and optional closing text section.
The following table describes the tags in the email template:
Name of the scorecard.
A hyperlink to the scorecard. You need to provide the username and password.
Name of the metric group that the metric belongs to.
Weighted average value for the metric group in the current scorecard run.
The score range, such as Unacceptable, Acceptable, and Good, for the metric group in the current scorecard run.
Weighted average value for the metric group in the previous scorecard run.
The score range, such as Unacceptable, Acceptable, and Good, for the metric group in the previous scorecard run.
Name of the source column that the metric is assigned to.
Type of the source column.
Name of the rule.
Type of the rule.
Name of the source data object.

Setting Up Scorecard Notifications

You can set up scorecard notifications at both metric and metric group levels. Global notification settings apply to those metrics and metric groups that do not have individual notification settings.
    1. Run a scorecard in the Analyst tool.
    2. Click Actions > Edit.
    3. Click the Notifications tab.
    4. Select Enable notifications to start configuring scorecard notifications.
    5. Select a metric or metric group.
    6. Click the Notifications check box to enable the global settings for the metric or metric group.
    7. Select Use custom settings to change the settings for the metric or metric group.
    You can choose to send a notification email when the score is in Unacceptable, Acceptable, and Good ranges and moves across thresholds.
    8. To edit the global settings for scorecard notifications, click the Edit Global Settings icon.
    The Edit Global Settings dialog box appears where you can edit the settings including the email template.

Configuring Global Settings for Scorecard Notifications

If you choose the global scorecard notification settings, the Analyst tool sends emails to target users when the score is in the Unacceptable range or moves down across thresholds. As part of the global settings, you can configure the email template including the email addresses and message text for a scorecard.
    1. Run a scorecard in the Analyst tool.
    2. Click Actions > Edit to open the Edit Scorecard dialog box.
    3. Click the Notifications tab.
    4. Select Enable notifications to start configuring scorecard notifications.
    5. Click the Edit Global Settings icon.
    The Edit Global Settings dialog box appears where you can edit the settings, including the email template.
    6. Choose when you want to send email notifications using the Score in and Score moves check boxes.
    7. In the Email from field, change the email ID as necessary.
    By default, the Analyst tool uses the Sender Email Address property of the Data Integration Service as the sender email ID.
    8. In the Email to field, enter the email ID of the recipient.
    Use a semicolon to separate multiple email IDs.
    9. Enter the text for the email subject.
    10. In the Body field, add the introductory and closing text of the email message.
    11. To apply the global settings, select Apply settings to all metrics and metric groups.
    12. Click OK.