Reference Data in the Developer Tool > Content Sets

Content Sets

A content set is a Model repository object that you use to store reusable content expressions. A content expression is an expression that you can use in Labeler and Parser transformations to identify data.
You can create content sets to organize content expressions into logical groups. For example, if you create a number of content expressions that identify Portuguese strings, you can create a content set that groups these content expressions. Create content sets in the Developer tool.
Content expressions include character sets, pattern sets, regular expressions, and token sets. Content expressions can be system-defined or user-defined. System-defined content expressions cannot be added to content sets. User-defined content expressions can be reusable or non-reusable.

Character Sets

A character set contains expressions that identify specific characters and character ranges. You can use character sets in Labeler transformations that use character labeling mode.
Character ranges specify a sequential range of character codes. For example, the character range "[A-C]" matches the uppercase characters "A," "B," and "C." This character range does not match the lowercase characters "a," "b," or "c."
Use character sets to identify a specific character or range of characters as part of labeling operations. For example, you can label all numerals in a column that contains telephone numbers. After labeling the numbers, you can identify patterns with a Parser transformation and write problematic patterns to separate output ports.

Character Set Properties

Configure properties that determine character labeling operations for a character set.
The following table describes the properties for a user-defined character set:
Defines the label that a Labeler transformation applies to data that matches the character set.
Standard Mode
Enables a simple editing view that includes fields for the start range and end range.
Start Range
Specifies the first character in a character range.
End Range
Specifies the last character in a character range. For a range with a single character, leave this field blank.
Advanced Mode
Enables an advanced editing view where you can manually enter character ranges using range characters and delimiter characters.
Range Character
Temporarily changes the symbol that signifies a character range. The range character reverts to the default character when you close the character set.
Delimiter Character
Temporarily changes the symbol that separates character ranges. The delimiter character reverts to the default character when you close the character set.

Classifier Models

A classifier model analyzes input strings and determines the types of information that they contain. You use a classifier model in a Classifier transformation.
Use a classifier model when input strings contain significant amounts of data. For example, you can use a classifier model to identify the subject matter in a set of documents. You export the text from each document, and you store each document as a separate field in a single data column. The Classifier transformation reads the data and classifies the subject matter in each field according to the labels defined in the classifier model.
The classifier model contains the following columns:
Data column
A column that contains the words and phrases that are likely to exist in the input data. The transformation compares the input data with the data in this column.
Label column
A column that contains descriptive labels that can define the information in the data. The transformation returns a label from this column as output.
The classifier model also contains compilation data that the Classifier transformation uses to calculate the correct information type for the input data.
You create a Classifier model in the Developer tool. The Model repository stores the metadata for the classifier model object. The column data and compilation data are stored in a file in the Informatica directory structure.

Pattern Sets

A pattern set contains expressions that identify data patterns in the output of a token labeling operation. You can use pattern sets to analyze the Tokenized Data output port and write matching strings to one or more output ports. Use pattern sets in Parser transformations that use pattern parsing mode.
For example, you can configure a Parser transformation to use pattern sets that identify names and initials. This transformation uses the pattern sets to analyze the output of a Labler transformation in token labeling mode. You can configure the Parser transformation to write names and initials in the output to separate ports.

Pattern Set Properties

Configure properties that determine the patterns in a pattern set.
The following table describes the property for a user-defined pattern set:
Defines the patterns that the pattern parser searches for. You can enter multiple patterns for one pattern set. You can enter patterns constructed from a combination of wildcards, characters, and strings.

Probabilistic Models

A probabilistic model identifies data values by the types of information that they represent and by the position of the values in an input string.
You use probabilistic models with the Labeler and Parser transformations.
A probabilistic model contains the following columns:
You create a Classifier model in the Developer tool. The Model repository stores the metadata for the classifier model object. The column data and compilation data are stored in a file in the Informatica directory structure.
The probabilistic model also contains compilation data that the transformations can use to calculate the correct information type for the input data. You update the model logic when you compile the model in the Developer tool.

Regular Expressions

In the context of content sets, a regular expression is an expression that you can use in parsing and labeling operations. Use regular expressions to identify one or more strings in input data. You can use regular expressions in Parser transformations that use token parsing mode. You can also use regular expressions in Labeler transformations that use token labeling mode.
Parser transformations use regular expressions to match patterns in input data and parse all matching strings to one or more outputs. For example, you can use a regular expression to identify all email addresses in input data and parse each email address component to a different output.
Labeler transformations use regular expressions to match an input pattern and create a single label. Regular expressions that have multiple outputs do not generate multiple labels.

Regular Expression Properties

Configure properties that determine how a regular expression identifies and writes output strings.
The following table describes the properties for a user-defined regular expression:
Number of Outputs
Defines the number of output ports that the regular expression writes.
Regular Expression
Defines a pattern that the Parser transformation uses to match strings.
Test Expression
Contains data that you enter to test the regular expression. As you type data in this field, the field highlights strings that matches the regular expression.
Next Expression
Moves to the next string that matches the regular expression and changes the font of that string to bold.
Previous Expression
Moves to the previous string that matches the regular expression and changes the font of that string to bold.

Token Sets

A token set contains expressions that identify specific tokens. You can use token sets in Labeler transformations that use token labeling mode. You can also use token sets in Parser transformations that use token parsing mode.
Use token sets to identify specific tokens as part of labeling and parsing operations. For example, you can use a token set to label all email addresses that use that use an "AccountName@DomainName" format. After labeling the tokens, you can use the Parser transformation to write email addresses to output ports that you specify.

Token Set Properties

Configure properties that determine the labeling operations for a token set.
The following table describes the properties for a user-defined character set:
Token Set Mode
Defines the name of the token set.
Describes the token set.
Token Set Options
Defines whether the token set uses regular expression mode or character mode.
Regular Expression
Defines the label that a Labeler transformation applies to data that matches the token set.
Regular Expression
Regular Expression
Defines a pattern that the Labeler transformation uses to match strings.
Test Expression
Regular Expression
Contains data that you enter to test the regular expression. As you type data in this field, the field highlights strings that match the regular expression.
Next Expression
Regular Expression
Moves to the next string that matches the regular expression and changes the font of that string to bold.
Previous Expression
Regular Expression
Moves to the previous string that matches the regular expression and changes the font of that string to bold.
Defines the label that a Labeler transformation applies to data that matches the character set.
Standard Mode
Enables a simple editing view that includes fields for the start range and end range.
Start Range
Specifies the first character in a character range.
End Range
Specifies the last character in a character range. For single-character ranges, leave this field blank.
Advanced Mode
Enables an advanced editing view where you can manually enter character ranges using range characters and delimiter characters.
Range Character
Temporarily changes the symbol that signifies a character range. The range character reverts to the default character when you close the character set.
Delimiter Character
Temporarily changes the symbol that separates character ranges. The delimiter character reverts to the default character when you close the character set.

Creating a Content Set

Create content sets to group content expressions according to business requirements. You create content sets in the Developer tool.
    1. In the Object Explorer view, select the project or folder where you want to store the content set.
    2. Click File > New > Content Set.
    3. Enter a name for the content set.
    4. Optionally, select Browse to change the Model repository location for the content set.
    5. Click Finish.

Creating a Reusable Content Expression

Create reusable content expressions from within a content set. You can use these content expressions in Labeler transformations and Parser transformations.
    1. Open a content set in the editor and select the Content view.
    2. Select a content expression view.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Enter a name for the content expression.
    5. Optionally, enter a text description of the content expression.
    6. If you selected the Token Set expression view, select a token set mode.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Configure the content expression properties.
    9. Click Finish.

Generating Reference Data from a Midstream Profile

You can run a profile on mapping data to create a data source for a reference data object. For example, run a profile on the object that you connect to a Labeler or Parser transformation. You can add the profile data to a probabilistic model. When you create a probabilistic model with data from the midstream profile, you customize the model for the mapping data.
Complete the following steps to run a midstream mapping profile and generate input data for a probabilistic model:
    1. Open the mapping that contains the transformation you will connect to the Labeler or Parser.
    2. Select a data object and click Profile Now.
    Select the Results tab in the profile, and review the profile results.
    3. Under Column Profiling, select the column you want to add to the probabilistic model.
    4. Under Details, select the option to Show Values.
    The editor displays the data values in the column you selected.
    Note: You can select all values in the column or a subset of values.
    5. If you want to add a subset of column values to a probabilistic model, follow these steps:
    1. a. Use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select one or multiple values from the editor.
    2. b. Right-click the values and select Send to > Export Results to File.
    6. If you want to add all column values to a probabilistic model, click the option to Export Value Frequencies to File.
    7. In the Export dialog box, enter a file name. You can save the file on the Informatica services machine or on the Developer client machine.
    If you save the file on the client machine, enter a path to the file.
You can use the file as a data source for the Label or Data column in the probabilistic model.