Probabilistic Model Advanced Properties
You can review the computational properties that the Developer tool uses to compile a probabilistic model. Open the Advanced Properties dialog box to review the properties.
The basic element in the compilation of probabilistic models is the n-gram. An n-gram is a series of letters that follow or precede other letters to complete a word. When a mapping runs, the Labeler or Parser transformation creates multiple n-grams for each value in the reference data column of the probabilistic model. The transformation compares the input data values with the reference data values and the n-grams. The advanced properties on a probabilistic model determine how the probabilistic model handles n-grams and other model features.
Note: The default property values represent the preferred settings for probabilistic analysis and probabilistic model compilation. If you edit an advanced property, you may adversely affect the accuracy of the probabilistic analysis. Do not edit the advanced properties unless you understand the effects of the changes you make.