Part III: Version 9.5.0 > Changes to Informatica Data Transformation (9.5.0) > Obsolete Script Components and Options

Obsolete Script Components and Options

Effective in version 9.5.0, some script components are obsolete. The IntelliScript editor does not load scripts that contain any of these components or options.
The following table describes the obsolete components and options and their replacements:
Obsolete Component
DownloadFile action
Use a custom component.
EDIValidation validator
Use other validation components.
ExcelToHtml document processor
Use the ExcelToXml_03_07_10 document processor.
ExcelToTextML document processor
Use the ExcelToXml_03_07_10 document processor.
ExcelToTxt document processor
Use the ExcelToXml_03_07_10 document processor.
HtmlForm anchor
Use a custom component.
IBANValidation validator
Use other validation components.
JavaScriptFunction action
Use other components that define complex behavior.
MSMQOutput option of WriteValue action
Use a custom component.
MSMQOutput option of WriteSegment action
Use a custom component.
PowerpointToHtml document processor
Use a custom component.
SubmitForm action
Use a custom component.
SubmitFormGet action
Use a custom component.
WordToRTF document processor
Use the WordToXml document processor.
WordToTxt document processor
Use the WordToXml document processor.
WordToHTML document processor
Use the WordToXml document processor.
WordToTextML document processor
Use the WordToXml document processor.
WordperfectToTextML document processor
Use a custom component.