Part II: Data Discovery with Informatica Analyst > Data Domain Discovery in Informatica Analyst > Data Domain Glossary in Informatica Analyst

Data Domain Glossary in Informatica Analyst

The data domain glossary lists data domains and data domain groups. You can sort the list by either data domains or data domain groups. Use the data domain glossary to search, add, edit, and remove data domains and data domain groups. You can view and make changes to the rule logic associated with data domains in the Developer tool.

Creating a Data Domain Group in Informatica Analyst

A data domain group organizes data domains into specific groups such as Personal Health Information (PHI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or any other conceptual group that is relevant for the project.
    1. Click Manage > Data Domain Glossary.
    The data domain glossary opens in a tab that lists the current data domains and data domain groups.
    2. In the Navigator, click Actions > New > Data Domain Group.
    The Create Data Domain Group dialog box appears.
    3. Enter a name and description for the data domain group.
    4. Click Next.
    5. In the Available Data Domains pane, select the data domains that you want to add to the data domain group and click Add.
    The Analyst tool moves the selected data domains to the Selected Data Domains pane.
    6. Click Finish.
    The Analyst tool adds the data domain group to the data domain glossary.

Creating a Data Domain in Informatica Analyst

You can create data domains, add them to the data domain glossary, and group data domains into one or more data domain groups. To create a data domain, you can use predefined data rules and column name rules or generate data domains from the values and patterns in the column profile results.
When you create a data domain, the Analyst tool copies rules and other dependent objects associated with the data domain to the data domain glossary. To edit a rule associated with a data domain, you must go to the original rule and make changes to it. You can then associate the modified rule to the data domain again.
    1. Click Manage > Data Domain Glossary.
    The data domain glossary opens in a tab that lists the current data domains and data domain groups.
    2. In the Navigator, click Actions > New > Data Domain.
    The Create Data Domain dialog box appears.
    3. Enter a name and description for the data domain.
    4. Click the Data Rule check box to discover data domains based on column data. You can also select the Column Name Rule check box to discover data domains based on column titles in the data source.
    The Select button is enabled.
    5. Click Select to open the Select Rule dialog box.
    6. Select an appropriate rule and click OK.
    The rules that you selected appear in the Data Rule and Column Name Rule fields.
    7. Click Next.
    8. In the Available Data Domain Groups pane, select the data domain groups you want to include the data domain in and click Add.
    The Analyst tool moves the selected data domain groups to the Selected Data Domain Groups pane.
    9. Click Finish.
    The Analyst tool adds the data domain to the data domain glossary.

Creating a Data Domain from Profile Results in Informatica Analyst

Run a column profile to view the values and patterns of source data. You can then verify the profile results and create a data domain from them.
    1. Run a column profile to view its results.
    The profile results open in a new tab.
    2. In the left pane, select a column name.
    The values, patterns, and statistics for the column appear in the right pane.
    3. Select the values or patterns based on which you want to create a data domain.
    4. Right-click the values or patterns, and then select New Data Domain.
    The New data domain dialog box appears.
    5. Enter the data domain name and an optional description.
    The location is set to data domain glossary by default.
    6. Click OK.
    The data domain gets added to the data domain glossary.

Find Data Domains and Data Domain Groups in Informatica Analyst

You can search for specific data domains and data domain groups in the data domain glossary. You can choose between the Data Domain view and Data Domain Group view to view the list of data domains in the data domain glossary.
For example, you might have a data domain Zipcode that you added to the PII data domain group. You can find more information about Zipcode and its data domain group PII in the following ways:
Search for data domains.
Type in part of the data domain name such as zip or code in the text field on top of the Navigator. If you are in the Data Domain Groups View, the Analyst tool lists PII, which is the data domain group that contains Zipcode. If you are in the Data Domain View, the Analyst tool lists all data domains that contain the search string, Zip or code.
Note: Search is not case-sensitive.
View all data domain groups and data domains within them.
In the Navigator, click Show Data Domain Group View.
View all data domains.
In the Navigator, click Show Data Domain View.
View properties of a data domain.
Verify that you are in Show Data Domain View. In the Navigator, click Zipcode to view its properties on the right pane. You can view the name, type, description, associated rules, and domain groups it belongs to, in this case, PII.
View properties of a data domain group.
Verify that you are in Show Data Domain Group View. In the Navigator, click PII to view its properties on the right pane. You can view the name, type, description, and the list of data domains, including Zipcode, within PII.
Refresh the data domain glossary.
In the Navigator, click Actions > Refresh. The data domain glossary displays the current list of data domains or data domain groups based on the view you are in.