Part III: Data Discovery with Informatica Developer > Enterprise Discovery Results > Foreign key Profiling View

Foreign key Profiling View

You can view a summary of the enterprise discovery results in a graphical format in the Foreign Key Profiling view. You can open the profile results and column-level relationships for a data object in a tabular format from the view.
The profile results for a data object include the column profile, primary key inference, functional dependency inference, and data domain discovery results. After you open the column-level relationships for a data object, you can verify and curate the data relationships. When you verify a data relationship, the Developer tool runs the profile on all rows of the source data to verify the inference results. You can approve, reject, and reset data relationships in the Foreign Key Profiling view.

Viewing Data Object Relationships

You can view the relationships between data objects in a graphical format. Double-click an entity circle to view the tables and their relationships in it.
    1. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    2. To include data domains in the consolidated graphical view, select Show Data Domains.
    The Select button is enabled.
    3. Click Select to choose the data domains that you want to include in the graphical view.
    The Select Data Domains dialog box appears.
    4. Select the required data domains and click OK.
    The Developer tool highlights the entity circles that include the data domains that you selected.
    5. Double-click an entity circle to view the visual representation of table relationships within the entity. The Developer tool displays the tables in a graphical format that represents the relationship each data object has with other data objects within the entity.
    The data object with the maximum number of relationships with other data objects or the data object from where you start navigating is highlighted in Green color. If you included data domains, the Developer tool highlights the data domain selection to the left of the visual representation of each data object.
    6. Verify the direct relationship information and data domain information in the right pane of the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    7. Optionally, you can click the Relationships link to go back to the Relationships view.

Zooming In and Out of the View

You can zoom into the graphical representation of data object relationships in the Foreign Key Profiling view for better visual clarity. When you zoom in, the Developer tool increases the magnification level of the image. Zoom out to reduce the magnification level.
    1. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    2. Right-click the view and select Zoom In to increase the magnification level of the image.
    3. To reduce the magnification level of the graphical layout, right-click the view and select Zoom Out.

Finding a Data Object

You can search for and find a data object in the graphical view of foreign key results. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to find data objects.
    1. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    Make sure you open the graphical view of foreign key results in the view.
    2. Press Ctrl+F to diaply the Findfield.
    3. In the Find field, enter a part of the data object name you are searching for and add the * wildcard character to the beginning or end of the search string based on the search requirement. For example, to search for all data objects starting with the string "EMP", type in "EMP*" and press the Enter key. To search for all data objects that have the string "ZIP" in their names, type in "*ZIP*".
    4. Click the Next Match button to move to the next data object match.
    Use the Previous Match button to move to the previous data object match.
    5. Select Highlight all results to highlight all the data object matches.
    6. To clear the search string in the Find field, click the Clearbutton next to the field.

Viewing Column Relationships

You can view the relationship of each column in a data object with columns in related data objects. You can also verify and commit the data object relationship to the data model.
    1. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    2. Right-click a data object and select View Column Relationships.
    The column relationships appear in a tabular view. The view displays relationship information, such as source data object, related data object, and columns in the related data object.
    3. Verify the inference status, verification status, and curation status.
    4. Select All data objects in the group to view all the data objects in the parent entity and their column relationship information.
    By default, the view displays relationship information for the data object you selected in the view.
    5. Optionally, you can click the entity link on top of the view to go back to the graphical representation of the data objects.

Saving the Entity Relationship Diagram as an Image

You can save the entity relationship diagram of data objects from the enterprise discovery results as a ".png" file.
    1. Run a profile to perform enterprise discovery.
    2. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    3. Switch to the graphical format of the data object relationships from the view.
    4. Right-click and select Save as Image.
    The Save As dialog box appears. You save the image as a ".png" file by default.
    5. Choose the file location, and enter a file name.
    6. Click Save.

Viewing Data Object Profile Results From the Foreign Key Profiling View

You can view the column profile, primary key, and data domain discovery results of a selected data object from the Foreign Key Profiling view. Make sure you choose the data object by pinning it as the selected table in the canvas.
    1. Verify that you are in the Foreign Key Profiling view.
    2. Right-click a data object and select Pin Data Object as Focus to select the table.
    Alternately, use the Pin icon to select a data object.
    3. Right-click anywhere in the canvas and select View Data Object Profile.
    The data object profile results appear in a tab.