Column Profile View
The Column Profile view displays a summary of the column profile results for single data object profiles that the Developer tool runs as part of enterprise discovery. You can view the column statistics such as unique values, null values, datatypes and maximum and minimum values for each column in the data objects.
Viewing Data Object Profile Results
Enterprise discovery includes running a data object profile to discover column data statistics, primary keys, candidate keys, and data domains. You can view data object profile results of a selected data object from the Column Profile view.
1. Verify that you are in the Column Profile view.
2. Select a data object in the Data Objects Profiled pane.
3. In the Columns pane to the right, select a column.
4. Right-click the column and select View Data Object Profile.
The data object profile results appear in a tab. Column profile results appear by default.
5. Click Primary Key Inference to view the primary key profile results.
6. Click Functional Dependency Inference to view the functional dependency discovery results.
7. Click Data Domain Discovery to view the data domain discovery results.