Tasks and Workflows
A workflow is a business process that contains of a set of events, tasks, and decisions. A task is a workflow object that runs a single unit of work in the workflow, such as running a mapping, sending an email, or running a shell command.
Developers create workflows in Informatica Developer. Informatica stores a workflow as an object in a database called the Model repository. When a workflow runs, it creates the task instances that you resolve in the Analyst tool.
A workflow can contain different types of tasks. At the workflow level, the type of task that you perform in the Analyst tool is a Human task, because the task needs human interaction to complete.
A workflow that contains a Human task must also contain a Mapping task. A Mapping task runs an Informatica data process called a mapping. A mapping applies data quality algorithms to records and corrects errors where possible. When a workflow runs a Mapping task, the mapping writes the corrected records to a database table. The mapping writes records that contain unresolved data quality issues to another table. The Human task reads the table of unresolved records and assigns the records to users for manual review in the Analyst tool.