Exception Management Workspaces
The Analyst tool has workspaces that you use to perform tasks in the tool. The workspaces that you can access depend on the licenses that your organization purchases.
You can access workspaces from the workspace tabs that appear across the Analyst tool header. You can also access workspaces from access panels on the Start workspace.
The Analyst tool has temporary workspaces that you open from links in the Analyst tool. By default, temporary workspaces do not appear as tabs in the Analyst tool header. When you open a temporary workspace, the temporary workspace tab appears in the Analyst tool header. You can close a temporary workspace and the tab disappears in the Analyst tool.
When you perform Exception Management, your tasks appear in the My Tasks panel of the Start workspace. When you open a task, the Analyst tool opens a temporary workspace called the Exceptions workspace. When you complete work on the task, you can close the Exceptions workspace.
Start Workspace
The Start workspace appears by default when you open the Analyst tool. The Start workspace contains multiple panels that provide links to other Analyst tool workspaces.
The My Tasks panel appears in the Start workspace when your organization has a license for Human tasks. The My Tasks panel shows your tasks. You can open a task, view a task, or release a task from the My Tasks panel.
Exceptions Workspace
Review and edit exception records for a task instance in the Exceptions workspace. You can also view an audit trail of changes that you make to records in a task.
The Exceptions workspace is a temporary workspace that appears when you open a task in the My Tasks panel. The Exceptions workspace contains a Data Editing panel and a Data Audit panel.
You can perform correct exceptions tasks and correct duplicate records tasks in the Data Editing panel. The Data Editing panel displays different columns based on the task type. Review each record in a task, change each record that you can fix, and then update the record status to indicate if the changes are complete.
You can view an audit trail of the changes that you made to records in a task. Open the Data Audit panel to view the audit trail. You can view the fields that changed, the user that changed the record, and the date of the change.