Task Types
A Human task contains a sequence of steps. Each step is a type of task. The task defines the type of work that a user must perform in a step.
You can perform the following types of tasks in the Analyst tool:
- Correct exceptions
- Review and fix errors in exception records. You can update the data in an exception record. When a record does not contain an error or an empty field, you can change the record status to indicate that the record is valid.
- Review exceptions
- Review the work done by another user to correct exceptions. You can change the actions that the other users performed.
- Correct duplicates
- Create a preferred record from a group of duplicate records in a correct duplicates task. The group of duplicate records is a cluster. The Analyst tool displays the clusters one at a time. If a record is not a duplicate of another record in the cluster you can move the record to another cluster. You can create a cluster that contains a single record.
- A Human task identifies the preferred record in the cluster for storage in the target database table. Any other record in the cluster is a duplicate of the preferred record and you can delete it from the table.
- Review duplicates
- Review the work done by another user to consolidate clusters of duplicate records into preferred records. You can change the cluster actions that other users performed.
A Human task can contain multiple steps. For example, a workflow developer might create steps to correct employee exceptions. The developer creates a correct exceptions task for the Human Resources department and another correct exceptions task for the Accounting department. Each department works on the same data set. The developer labels the tasks HR Correct Exceptions and Accounting Correct Exceptions. A review exceptions step can follow each correct exceptions step. For example, the HR Review Exceptions step follows the HR Correct Exceptions step. When you complete a step, you select which step is next.
Note: Records cannot pass from a task that corrects or reviews exceptions to a task that corrects or reviews duplicates. The database tables that contain exception records and cluster records have different structures.