Tasks > Task Maintenance

Task Maintenance

You can view tasks, open tasks, and change task status in the Start workspace.
You can perform the following operations on the My Tasks panel:
View records in a task.
View the records in the task without opening the task. When you view the records, the records appear in the Exceptions workspace. You can view records when another user has the task open.
Open a task.
Opens a task so you can review and edit the records. When you open the task, you become the owner.
Release a task.
Release the ownership of a task that you own. The task has no owner until the business administrator assigns another owner or another user opens the task.
Complete a task.
Complete a task step when you finish reviewing all the records. When you complete the step, the Analyst tool passes the task to the next step in the Human task.

Viewing Tasks

You can view records in a task without opening the task. If you are an administrator, you can view tasks assigned to other users to monitor progress.
    1. In the My Tasks panel of the Analyst tool, select a task from the task list.
    2. Click menu, click Actions > View.
The task opens in the Data Editing panel of the Exceptions workspace.

Opening a Task

Open a task from the Start workspace. You can open a task from the My Tasks panel. If you are an administrator, you can open tasks in the Task Administration panel.
    1. In the My Tasks panel, click a task to select it.
    The Analyst tool highlights the task. An arrow appears at the right of the task.
    2. Click the task arrow and select Open.
    The Exceptions workspace appears. The Data Editing panel displays rows of bad record exceptions or it displays clusters of duplicate records.

Release a Task

You can release a task that you own. When you release a task, you remove yourself as owner of the task.
When you release a task, you remove your user name as the owner. The task appears in the Task Administration panel with a blank Owner field. The administrator can assign the task to another user.

Releasing a Task

You can release a task from your task list.
    1. From the Start workspace, switch to the My Tasks panel.
    A list of your tasks appears.
    2. Select one or more tasks to remove from your list.
    3. Click Actions > Release Task.

Complete a Task

When you complete a Human task step, you choose which step is next.
When you complete a task step, you change the task status by choosing the next task step for the data. For example, the Human task might contain the following steps:
The Task Actions menu lists the steps that you can choose from. If you completed the Cost Accounting Correct Exceptions step, you might pass the data to the Cost Accounting Review Exceptions task. Or, you might pass the data to the General Accounting Review Exceptions task. You cannot repeat a step in the Human task.
Note: A task to review data cannot be the first task in a series of steps.

Completing a Task

To complete a task, change the task status by choosing the next task step.
    1. Open the task from the My Tasks panel.
    2. Click Task Actions.
    The Task Actions menu shows the task statuses that you can choose from.
    3. Select a status from the menu.