Correct Exceptions
The records in a correct exceptions task contain data quality issues that a Mapping task discovers in a workflow. The data quality issues may or may not indicate an error in the data.
To correct exceptions, complete one or more of the following steps:
- •Verify that each record contains an error. If the record does not contain an error, you can accept the record for storage in the table without changing it.
- •Update the records with correct data. When you can update a record with correct data, you can accept the record for storage in the table.
- •Update the status of a record. Set the status to determine how the workflow processes the record when the task completes. If you cannot update a record to a usable form, you can reject the record or you can indicate that the record needs reprocessing.
Edit Exception Records
Edit exception records fields in the Data Editing panel.
When you open a task, the Exceptions workspace appears and the Data Editing panel shows the records in the task. The panel shows the fields that contain data quality issues. The error fields contain red icons. You can select an error field and then edit the value in the field. You cannot change a field that is not an error.
Editing Exception Records
To edit exception records, open a task and enable the task for editing in the Data Editing panel.
To edit exception records, use the following steps:
1. Open the task in My Tasks panel.
2. Click Edit to enable the task for editing.
3. Select a field that has an error.
4. Enter the correct data value.
5. Click Save.
The error icon in the field changes from red to green.
6. If the record is correct, change the record status to Accept Record. The status indicates that the record is acceptable for storage in the database.
Repeat the steps for other records in the task.
Note: You might not have the correct data values for every record in the task. If you cannot edit a record, set the status to Reprocess Record. If you determine that the record is not acceptable, set the status to Reject Record.
Exception Record Status
When you complete work on a record, you set the record status. The record status indicates whether the record contains good quality data. The status determines whether to return the record to the database, delete the record from the database, or pass the record to another process for examination.
You can perform the following actions to set the record status:
- Accept a record for storage in the database.
- You can mark a record as acceptable for storage in the database. You can accept the record without changing the data or you can edit the record before you accept the record.
- Reject a record from the database.
- You can decide that a record does not belong in the database table. You mark the record for deletion from the table.
Note: The task does not remove records from the table. Another task in the workflow or another application removes the records from the database.
- Return a record for further processing.
- You can decide that you cannot fix the record in the manual review. For example, you cannot determine the correct value of a field in the record. You mark the record for additional processing in another application.
- Clear the status of a record.
- You can undo the status that you set for a record. For example, if you mark a record for rejection from the database, but later you change your mind, you can clear the status and select a different status. You can change a record status at any time before you complete the task.
Setting the Status of an Exception Record
When you complete work on a record, you set the record status to indicate the data quality of the record. You can clear the status if you decide the work is not complete after you set the status previously.
1. To enable the task for editing, click Edit.
2. Select the record to update.
3. Click Record Actions and select the status to apply to the record.
- - To indicate that a record contains correct business information and can remain in the database, select Accept Record.
- - To indicate that a record does not contain usable information and can be deleted from the database, select Reject Record.
- - To indicate that the record needs further processing before it can be returned to the database, click Reprocess Record.
- - To clear the status, click Clear Record Status.
Task Actions
When you complete a task step, you can select the next step to receive the task data. Select the next step on the Task Actions menu.
When you complete a task step, the Analyst tool passes the task to the next step in the Human task. When you complete a task that corrects exception records, the records might pass to another step to review the changes. The workflow defines the options that you can choose on the Task Actions menu. The Task Actions menu can have one or more options.