Audit Trail Operations > Data Audit Panel Filters

Data Audit Panel Filters

You can filter the records that display in the Data Audit panel.
The following table describes the filter options:
The date range for the updates you want to view.
The user who performed the updates you want to view.
The status of the record in the current task, based on the data quality of the record.
The review status of the record in the current task. You can choose from the following review options:
  • - Reviewed. The record is reviewed in a review task.
  • - Approved. A reviewer approved the record.
  • - Rejected. A reviewer rejected the record.
  • - Empty. The record is not reviewed.
  • - Cleared. Records that a user changed from a reviewed state to an unreviewed state.

Status Options

You can filter audit trail records based on the type of task you are viewing.
The following table describes the status options you can set as filters in the Audit view:
Task Type
Correct exceptions
Records accepted for storage in the database.
Correct exceptions
Records with a status update that a user deleted.
Correct duplicates
Correct exceptions
Records with no status update.
Moved into cluster
Correct duplicates
Records that moved into the specified cluster.
Moved out of cluster
Correct duplicates
Records that were moved out of the specified cluster
Correct exceptions
Records rejected as unsuitable for storage in the database.
Correct exceptions
Records that need further analysis in another application.

Filtering Records in the Data Audit Panel

You can filter the records that display in the Data Audit panel.
Use the following steps to filter data audit records:
    1. Open a task in the Data Audit panel, and click Filter. The Filter dialog box opens.
    2. Select the filter criteria to apply to the task data.
    3. Click Apply to apply the filter to the clusters in the task.