Mapping Specification Profiles > Profile Summary

Profile Summary

You can view the summary for a profile run on the Profile Summary panel. The profile summary describes the profile results such as the number of unique and null values expressed as a number and percentage.
You can click each profile summary property to sort on values of the property. The following table describes the profile summary properties:
Name of the column in the profile.
Unique Values
Number of unique values for the column in the sampled data set based on the sampling policy.
Unique %
Percentage of unique values for the column.
Number of null values for the column.
Percentage of null values for the column.
Inferred Datatype
Datatype derived from the values for the column. The Analyst tool can derive the following datatypes from the datatypes of values in columns:
  • - String
  • - Varchar
  • - Decimal
  • - Integer
  • - "-" for Nulls
Inferred %
Percentage of values that match the data type inferred by the Analyst tool. Not displayed in the Developer tool.
Documented Datatypes
Data type declared for the column in the profiled object.
Maximum Value
Maximum value in the column.
Minimum Value
Minimum value in the column.

Column Values

After you run a column profile, you can select a column on the Profile Summary tab and view the column values. The column values include values for columns and the frequency in which the value appears for the column.
The following table describes the properties for the column values:
Displays 200 values for the column in the profile.
Number of times a value appears for a column, expressed as a number.
Percentage that a value appears for a column.
Chart for the percentage.
Note: You can sort the Frequency column by selecting the column.

Column Patterns

After you run a column profile, you can select a column on the Profile Summary tab and view the column patterns. The column patterns include the value patterns for the columns and the frequency in which the pattern appears.
The following table describes the properties for the column patterns:
Pattern for the column in the profile.
Number of times a pattern appears for a column, expressed as a number.
Percentage that a pattern appears for a column.
Chart for the percentage.

Column Statistics

After you run a column profile, you can select a column on the Profile Summary tab and view the column statistics. The column statistics include statistics about the column values, such as length, and top and bottom values.
The following table describes the types of column statistics:
Average value for the column.
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation of the values for the column.
Maximum Length
Length of the longest value for the column.
Minimum Length
Length of the shortest value for the column.
Bottom (5)
Lowest values for the column.
Top (5)
Highest values for the column.