Predefined Rules
Predefined rules are rules created in the Developer tool or provided with the Developer tool and Analyst tool. Apply predefined rules to the Analyst tool profiles to modify or validate source data.
Predefined rules use transformations to define rule logic. You can use predefined rules with multiple profiles. In the Model repository, a predefined rule is a mapplet with an input group, an output group, and transformations that define the rule logic.
Predefined Rules Process
Use the New Rule Wizard to apply a predefined rule to a profile.
You can perform the following steps to apply a predefined rule:
- 1. Open a profile.
- 2. Select a predefined rule.
- 3. Review the rules parameters.
- 4. Select the input column. You can select multiple columns if you want to apply the rule to more than one column.
- 5. Configure the profiling options.
Applying a Predefined Rule
Use the Edit Profile wizard to apply a predefined rule to a profile. When you apply a predefined rule, you select the rule and configure the input columns and output columns for the rule. Apply a predefined rule to use a rule promoted as a reusable rule or use a rule created by a developer.
1. In the Navigator, select the project or folder that contains the profile that you want to add the rule to.
2. Click the profile to open it.
The profile appears in a tab.
3. Click Actions > Edit > Column Profiling Rules.
The Edit Profile dialog box appears.
4. To open the New Rule dialog box, click + .
5. Select Apply a Rule.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Rules panel, select the rule that you want to apply.
The name, datatype, description, and precision columns appear for the Inputs and Outputs columns in the Rules Parameters panel.
8. Click Next.
9. In the Rule Inputs and Outputs panel, click the Add Input icon.
A dialog box appears.
10. In the Inputs section, select the input columns and then click OK. The input column is a column name in the profile.
The Analyst tool generates output columns based on the input columns that you selected.
11. Optionally, in the Outputs section, configure the label of the output columns. By default, the Analyst tool adds a prefix "Output" to the output column labels.
12. Click Next.
13. In the Columns panel, select the columns you want to run a profile on. The columns include the rules that you applied to the profile. Optionally, select Name to include all columns.
The Analyst tool lists the name, datatype, precision, and scale for each column.
14. In the Sampling Options panel, configure the sampling options.
15. In the Drilldown Options panel, configure the drilldown options.
16. Click Save to apply the rule or click Save & Run to apply the rule and then run the profile.