Reference Tables in the Analyst Tool > Create a Reference Table From a Flat File

Create a Reference Table From a Flat File

You can import reference data from a CSV file. Use the New Reference Table wizard to import the file data.
You must configure the properties for each flat file that you use to create a reference table.

Analyst Tool Flat File Properties

When you import a flat file as a reference table, you must configure the properties for each column in the file. The options that you configure determine how the Analyst tool reads the data from the file.
The following table describes the properties you can configure when you import file data for a reference table:
Character used to separate columns of data. Use the Other field to enter a different delimiter.
Delimiters must be printable characters and must be different from the escape character and the quote character if selected.
You cannot select non-printing multibyte characters as delimiters.
Text Qualifier
Quote character that defines the boundaries of text strings.
Choose No Quote, Single Quote, or Double Quotes.
If you select a quote character, the wizard ignores delimiters within pairs of quotes.
Column Names
Imports column names from the first line. Select this option if column names appear in the first row.
The wizard uses data in the first row in the preview for column names.
Default is not enabled.
Option to start value import from a line. Indicates the row number in the preview at which the wizard starts reading when it imports the file.

Creating a Reference Table from a Flat File

When you create a reference table data from a flat file, the table uses the column structure of the file and imports the file data.
    1. Click Design > Reference Table in the Analyst tool.
    The New Reference Table Wizard appears.
    2. Select the option to Import a flat file.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Click Browse to select the flat file.
    5. Click Upload to upload the file to a directory in the Informatica services installation directory that the Analyst tool can access.
    6. Enter the table name. Optionally, enter a description and default value.
    The Analyst tool uses the default value for any table record that does not contain a value.
    7. Select a code page that matches the data in the flat file.
    8. Preview the data in the Preview of file panel.
    9. Click Next.
    10. Configure the flat file properties.
    11. In the Preview panel, click Show to update the preview.
    12. Click Next.
    13. On the Column Attributes panel, verify or edit the column properties for each column.
    14. Optionally, create a description column for rows in the reference table. Enter the name and precision for the column.
    15. Optionally, enter an audit note for the table.
    16. Click Finish.