Common Types of Rule Statements > Standardizing Business Data Values

Standardizing Business Data Values

To standardize data values, configure a rule statement that replaces the values with the value that you require. For example, you might configure a rule statement to replace any currency symbol in a data column with the agreed abbreviation for the currency name.
To standardize multiple values, you can create additional rule statements. Alternatively, use a reference table that identifies the values.
    1. Select a rule set in a rule specification.
    2. In the rule set properties, click Rule Logic.
    3. Click Add Rule Statement.
    4. Select an input for the rule statement.
    5. Select an operator to validate the results of the condition analysis.
    6. Select the type of condition to apply to the input.
    7. Enter the value to compare to the input data. For example, enter $.
    8. Select the type of action to apply to the data that satisfies the condition logic.
    9. Enter the value that the action returns. For example, enter USD.
    10. Save the rule specification.
    11. Repeat the steps for other currency symbols that you want to standardize.
    For example, standardize £ to GBP.