Discovering Information About Business Users
To discover information about business users, configure a rule statement that measures a fact about the users. When you combine rule statements to measure related facts, you discover additional information.
For example, you might configure a rule statement for a financial institution to identify customers who hold credit balances. You might also configure a rule statement to identify customers who earn a high salary.
Use the "AND" feature to combine the rule statements.
1. Select a rule set in a rule specification.
2. In the rule set properties, click Rule Logic.
3. Click Add Rule Statement.
4. Select an input for the rule statement.
5. Select an operator to validate the results of the condition analysis.
- - To identify input values that indicate a minimum salary of $100,000, select the following operator:
6. Select the type of condition to apply to the input.
- - To compare the input data to an integer, select the following condition type:
integer value
7. Enter the value to compare to the input data. For example, enter 100000.
8. Select Add Condition in the rule statement rule statement menu.
The rule specification adds a rule statement under the current rule statement and creates an AND relationship between the rule statements.
9. Select an input for the rule statement that you added.
10. Select an operator to validate the results of the condition analysis.
- - To identify input values that indicate a minimum balance of $10,000, select the following operator:
11. Select the type of condition to apply to the input.
- - To compare the input data to an integer, select the following condition type:
integer value
12. Enter the value to compare to the input data. For example, enter 10000.
13. Select an operator to validate the results of the condition analysis.
- - To identify input values that indicate a minimum balance of $10,000, select the following operator:
14. Select the type of action to apply to the data that satisfies the condition logic in both rule statements.
- - To return a string value, select the following action type:
string value
15. Enter the value that the action returns. For example, enter HIGH.
16. Save the rule specification.