Administrator Guide > Troubleshooting Axon > Axon Does Not Load in the Browser

Axon Does Not Load in the Browser

You can access Axon by typing the fully qualified host name in the address bar of a web browser. In the address field, type the fully qualified host name for the Axon login page in the following format: http(s)://<host_name>:<port_number>/
If Axon does not load in the browser, perform the following tasks.

Verify the Firewall Settings

You must enable the firewall of the machine where you installed Axon to allow requests for the Axon port.

Verify that the HTTPD Service is Running

To verify that the HTTPD service is running, go to the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/axonhome/third-party-app/scripts directory in the Linux environment, and run the following command:
sh httpd status
If the service is shut down, go to the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/bin directory, and run the following command to restart the Axon services:

Verify that the Unison Search Service is Running

To verify that the Unison Search service is running, go to the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/axonhome/third-party-app/scripts directory in the Linux environment, and run the following command:
sh axon_unison_microservice_init status
If the service is shut down, go to the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/bin directory, and run the following command to restart the Axon services:

Verify Log Files

Verify the following log files:

Verify Your Axon License Validity

Check if your Axon license has expired. If your license expires, users cannot log in to Axon. Perform the following tasks if your Axon license expires:
  1. 1. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support to obtain a new license key.
  2. 2. In the Linux environment, replace the expired license key file with the new license key file in the following directory:
  3. <INSTALLATION_DIR>/axonhome/axon/
    Note: Make sure that the new license key file and expired license key file share the same name.
  4. 3. In the Linux environment, run the following command to clear the Axon cache and restart the necessary services:
  5. sh <INSTALLATION_DIR>/axonhome/third-party-app/scripts/paramsync
  6. When you run the paramsync script, Axon restarts the HTTPD, Memcached, and email notification services.
Note: When you clear the cache and restart the Axon services, the Axon web interface might be disrupted for some users that are logged into Axon. Informatica recommends that you update the cache after you save your changes in all the System Settings pages. Additionally, perform this action during a maintenance period when very few users are using Axon.

Verify Axon Settings and Parameters

Check if the Axon settings and Admin Panel parameters are correct. You can modify some of the Admin Panel settings from the Linux environment. You can run specific commands to display the current parameter values, reset the parameters to their default values, or enter new parameter values.
For more information, refer to Modify Admin Panel Settings from the Linux Environment.