Administrator Guide > Configuring Axon > Configure Audit History Period

Configure Audit History Period

You can configure the period of audit history that Axon displays for an object. For example, if you set the history to 12 months, Axon displays changes made to the object in the last 12 months. You can typically see the audit history in the History tab of an object.
You must have the Super Admin profile to perform this task.
    1. From the Axon toolbar, click the Admin Panel menu item under your user name.
    2. In the menu on the left, under the Customize & Configure category, click System Settings.
    3. In the Group list, select Environment.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. In the Default History Duration field, enter a value in months. The default setting is 6 months.
    6. In the System Settings page, click Save to save the settings.
    7. In the Linux environment, run the following command to clear the Axon cache and restart the necessary services:
    sh <INSTALLATION_DIR>/axonhome/third-party-app/scripts/paramsync
    When you run the paramsync script, Axon restarts the HTTPD, Memcached, and email notification services.