Administrator Guide > Monitoring Axon > Manage Locks

Manage Locks

Locks prevent users from editing an object. With an Admin profile, you can manage locked objects.
A content manager can assign one of the following types of locks:
Edit Lock
This lock prevents other users from editing an object that is currently being edited by a content manager. After a content manager finishes editing the object and clicks Save and Close, Axon removes the edit lock. You can manually remove an edit lock if Axon does not automatically remove the edit clock after the content manager finishes editing the object.
Permanent Lock
Content managers can assign a permanent lock to an object that they are editing. Permanent locks persist even after the object is closed. This prevents other users from editing the item until the content manager who assigned the lock unlocks the object.
Axon displays the name of the user who has assigned the permanent lock when you hover the cursor over the lock. As an administrator, you can unlock an object that has a permanent lock. Before you remove a permenant lock, you must contact the content manager who placed the lock to ensure that edits made to the object are not lost.