Bulk Upload Reference Guide > Bulk Upload Data > Bulk Delete Roles

Bulk Delete Roles

Use bulk upload templates to delete roles for the objects. The templates are same as the ones you use to create roles for object.
When you delete roles, Axon removes the existing roles for the objects. You can delete roles for objects in bulk instead of deleting the role for each object from the Axon interface.
To update roles in bulk, you have to first delete the existing roles and then create the roles that you want.

Bulk Deleting Roles

When you perform a bulk delete task, use bulk upload templates to remove the roles for objects.
    1. In the Axon toolbar, click Create > Upload from file.
    Axon displays the Upload From File page. Use the wizard to choose options related to bulk deleting of roles.
    2. From the Upload Type list, select Role.
    3. Select a role in the field next to the Upload Type list.
    When you start typing a keyword in the search box, Axon suggests matching roles from which you can select the role that you want to delete.
    4. From the Upload Option list, choose Remove Existing Items.
    5. Click Download Template.
    A Microsoft Excel template is downloaded to the Downloads folder.
    6. In the Microsoft Excel template, enter the details of the objects for which you want to delete the roles.
    7. Click Choose File and select the template file.
    8. To cancel the upload when Axon detects a conflict, select Cancel on warning.
    9. Click Next — Map Columns.
    10. In the Map Columns step of the wizard, map the columns in the Microsoft Excel template to the properties that Axon supports. Double-click a column in the Column in Uploaded File column and select the value that corresponds to the value in the Axon Field column.
    11. To continue with the bulk upload wizard steps, click Next Start Upload.
    12. In the Upload step of the wizard, review the progress of the upload task. If the upload fails, you can download the error report to troubleshoot the upload.
    Axon displays a progress bar and a message to indicate the progress of the upload task.
    13. To view the status of the bulk upload job, click Go to My Jobs.
    Axon displays the list of pending tasks in the My Jobs page of the Activity Stream tab. You can open the My Jobs page from the People object to view the progress of the upload task in the Status column at any time.
After the bulk delete operation completes, Axon removes the roles for the objects.