Field | Type | Description |
Business Area Name | Required | Name of the business area. |
Description | Required | Description of the business area. |
Parent Business Area | Optional | Parent name of the business area if the business area belongs to a hierarchy. |
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the business area is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the business area in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the business area in the governance lifecycle. You can select the following default stages:
You can also create the lifecycle stages. |
User Email | Optional | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Optional | The role of the user. You can select the Business Area Head role. |
Segment | Optional | The segment to which you want to assign the business area to. This column appears if a SuperAdmin user has created segments in the Admin Panel. |
Field | Type | Description |
Business Area ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the business area. When you create a business area, Axon automatically generates an ID for the business area. |
Business Area Name | Required | Name of the business area. |
Description | Required | Description of the business area. |
Parent Business Area | Optional | Parent name of the business area if the business area belongs to a hierarchy. |
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the business area is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the business area in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the business area in the governance lifecycle. You can select the following default stages:
You can also create the lifecycle stages. |
Field | Type | Description |
Reference | Optional | A unique identifier for the capability. |
Capability Name | Required | Name of the capability. |
Capability Definition | Required | Description of the capability. |
Parent Capability | Optional | Name of the parent capability if the capability belongs to a hierarchy. |
Parent Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the parent capability. |
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the capability is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Classification | Required | Classification of the capability that best describes its purpose. You can classify the capability as Organizational Capability. You can also create classification types. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the capability in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the capability in the approval lifecycle. You can select one of the following default stages:
You can also create lifecycle stages. |
Capability Type | Required | Type of capability that best describes the object. Specify whether the object is a capability or responsibility. |
User Email | Optional | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Optional | The role of the user. You can select the Capability Owner role. |
Segment | Optional | The segment to which you want to assign the capability to. This column appears if a SuperAdmin user has created segments in the Admin Panel. |
Field | Type | Description |
Capability ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the capability. When you create a capability, Axon automatically generates an ID for the capability. |
Reference | Optional | A unique identifier for the capability. |
Capability Name | Required | Name of the capability. |
Capability Definition | Required | Description of the capability. |
Parent Capability | Optional | Name of the parent capability if the capability belongs to a hierarchy. |
Parent Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the parent capability. |
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the capability is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Classification | Required | Classification of the capability that best describes its purpose. You can classify the capability as Organizational Capability. You can also create classification types. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the capability in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the capability in the approval lifecycle. You can select one of the following default stages:
You can also create lifecycle stages. |
Capability Type | Required | Type of capability that best describes the object. Specify whether the object is a capability or responsibility. |
Field | Type | Description |
Client Name | Required | Short name of the client. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Optional | Full name of the client. |
Description | Required | Description of the client. |
Parent Client Name | Optional | Parent name of the client that you want to create. |
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the client in the production lifecycle. You can select the following stages:
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the client in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the client is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
User Email | Optional | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Optional | The role of the user. Select Client Segmentation Owner. |
Segment | Optional | The segment to which you want to assign the client to. This column appears if a SuperAdmin user has created segments in the Admin Panel. |
Field | Type | Description |
Client ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the client. When you create a client, Axon automatically generates an ID for the client. |
Client Name | Required | Short name of the client. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Optional | Full name of the client. |
Description | Required | Description of the client. |
Parent Client Name | Optional | Parent name of the client that you want to create. |
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the client in the production lifecycle. You can select the following stages:
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the client in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the client is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Field | Type | Description |
Short Name | Required | Short name of the legal entity. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Required | Full name of the legal entity. |
Description | Optional | Description of the legal entity. |
Parent Short Name | Optional | Short name of the parent of the legal entity. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the legal entity in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the legal entity is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
User Email | Optional | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Optional | The role of the user. You can select the Legal Entity Owner role. |
Segment | Optional | The segment to which you want to assign the legal entity to. This column appears if a SuperAdmin user has created segments in the Admin Panel. |
Field | Type | Description |
Legal ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the legal entity. When you create a legal entity, Axon automatically generates an ID for the legal entity. |
Short Name | Required | Short name of the legal entity. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Required | Full name of the legal entity. |
Description | Optional | Description of the legal entity. |
Parent Short Name | Optional | Short name of the parent of the legal entity. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the legal entity in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the legal entity is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
Field | Type | Description |
Org Unit Name | Required | Name of the local department, team, or unit. |
Description | Optional | Relevant description about the organizational unit. |
Reference | Required | Reference identifier for the organizational unit. The reference ID must be a string data type. If you enter a number, you must format the column to Text type. Otherwise, Microsoft Excel alters the reference ID by deleting trailing zeros. |
Parent Org Unit Reference | Optional | Parent of the organizational unit if the organization belongs to a hierarchy. The parent record must exist in Axon. |
Axon Status | Optional | The status of the org unit. You can select the following default values:
You can customize the values if required. |
Field | Type | Description |
Org Unit ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the organizational unit. When you create an organizational unit, Axon automatically generates an ID for the organizational unit. |
Org Unit Name | Required | Name of the local department, team, or unit. |
Description | Optional | Relevant description about the organizational unit. |
Reference | Required | Reference identifier for the organizational unit. The reference ID must be a string data type. If you enter a number, you must format the column to Text type. Otherwise, Microsoft Excel alters the reference ID by deleting trailing zeros. |
Parent Org Unit Reference | Optional | Parent of the organizational unit if the organization belongs to a hierarchy. The parent record must exist in Axon. |
Axon Status | Optional | The status of the org unit. You can select the following default values:
You can customize the values if required. |
Field | Type | Description |
First Name | Required | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
Last Name | Required | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
Function | Optional | Job title or role of the user. |
Function Description | Optional | Job description of the role of the user. |
Description | Optional | Description about the user. |
Email | Required | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this address. |
Password | Optional | A password to provide access to the user. The user can change the password later. Not required if you enable Single Sign-On authentication. The password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric digit, and one special character. |
Axon Status | Optional | The status of the user in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Org Unit Reference | Optional | The reference identifier of the organizational unit that the user is associated with. Ensure that you enter a value in the Org Unit Reference or Org Unit Name column though both the columns are optional. |
Org Unit Name | Optional | The name of the organizational unit that the user is associated with. Ensure that you enter a value in the Org Unit Reference or Org Unit Name column though both the columns are optional. |
Profile | Required | A user profile that controls the tasks that the user can perform and the objects that the user can view. Select one of the following user profiles:
Office Location | Optional | Office location of the user. |
Internal Mail Code | Optional | Internal office mail code of the user. |
Office Telephone | Optional | Office phone number of the user. |
Mobile/Cell | Optional | Mobile phone number of the user. |
LAN ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. LAN ID might be required if you want to enable Single Sign-On authentication. If the LAN ID column is empty, you must not map the LAN ID column of the template to any field in the Axon Field column when you perform a bulk upload. |
Employment Type | Required | The type of employment of the user. Specify whether the employment of the user is external or internal. |
Lifecycle | Required | The status of the employment of the user. You can select one of the following default statuses:
You can also create statuses. |
Field | Type | Description |
People ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the user. When you create a People object, Axon automatically generates an ID for the People object. |
First Name | Required | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
Last Name | Required | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
Function | Optional | Job title or role of the user. |
Function Description | Optional | Job description of the role of the user. |
Description | Optional | Description about the user. |
Email | Required | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this address. |
Password | Optional | A password to provide access to the user. The user can change the password later. Not required if you enable Single Sign-On authentication. The password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric digit, and one special character. |
Axon Status | Optional | The status of the user in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Org Unit Reference | Optional | The reference identifier of the organizational unit that the user is associated with. |
Org Unit Name | Optional | The name of the organizational unit that the user is associated with. |
Profile | Required | A user profile that controls the tasks that the user can perform and the objects that the user can view. Select one of the following user profiles:
Office Location | Optional | Office location of the user. |
Internal Mail Code | Optional | Internal office mail code of the user. |
Office Telephone | Optional | Office phone number of the user. |
Mobile/Cell | Optional | Mobile phone number of the user. |
LAN ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. LAN ID might be required if you want to enable Single Sign-On authentication. If the LAN ID column is empty, you must not map the LAN ID column of the template to any field in the Axon Field column when you perform a bulk upload. |
Employment Type | Required | The type of employment of the user. Specify whether the employment of the user is external or internal. |
Lifecycle | Required | The status of the employment of the user. You can select one of the following default statuses:
You can also create statuses. |
Field | Type | Description |
Reference | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the product. |
Product Name | Required | Short name of the product. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Optional | Full name of the product. |
Product Description | Required | Description of the product. |
Parent Product | Optional | Short name of the parent product if the product belongs to a hierarchy. |
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the product in the governance lifecycle. Select one of the following default stages:
You can also create lifecycle stages. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the product in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the product is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |
User Email | Optional | Email address of the user. Must be unique. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Optional | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Segment | Optional | The segment to which you want to assign the product to. This column appears if a SuperAdmin user has created segments in the Admin Panel. |
Field | Type | Description |
Product ID | Optional | A unique integer that identifies the product. When you create a product, Axon automatically generates an ID for the product. |
Reference | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the product. |
Product Name | Required | Short name of the product. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Long Name | Optional | Full name of the product. |
Product Description | Required | Description of the product. |
Parent Product | Optional | Short name of the parent product if the product belongs to a hierarchy. |
Lifecycle | Required | Stage of the product in the governance lifecycle. Select one of the following default stages:
You can also create lifecycle stages. |
Axon Status | Optional | Status of the product in Axon. You can select one of the following statuses:
Axon Viewing | Optional | Whether the product is available for public viewing or not. You can select one of the following options:
Axon is meant for public use within your organization. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support before you set this field as Non-Public. |