Bulk Upload Reference Guide > Bulk Upload Templates > Template Types

Template Types

You can bulk upload the Object, Relationship, and Role template types to Axon. The Object templates include the following categories:
After you download a template, you can view that the worksheet name is provided for the template for ease of use and reference. The worksheet name format for the template that you want to bulk upload is Create <Template Name>. For example, if you want to upload the System X Client template, the worksheet name is Create System X Client. The worksheet name format for the template that you want to bulk update is Update <Template Name>. For example, if you want to update the Glossary object, the worksheet name is Update Glossary.
If you have created segments in Axon, you can view the Segment column in most of the downloaded Object templates. You cannot view the Segment column for the following object templates:
In the Object and Roles templates, you can see the following optional columns for the user details: User Email, User First Name, User Last Name, and User LAN ID. When you bulk upload objects and roles, you must enter at least one of the user details so that it becomes easier to identify an object and role. You can enter an email address, LAN ID, or a combination of first and last name.
Most of the templates contain the reference identifier column that is optional. If you leave the column empty and map the empty column during the bulk upload process, the operation fails because the Reference column cannot have null values. If you want to map the Reference column, ensure that you enter a value in the template.

Object Identifier

An object identifier (ID) is a unique integer that you can use while you update existing objects using bulk upload templates.
When an object is created, Axon automatically generates a unique numeric value for the ID column. Axon uses the ID value for its internal logic. You cannot configure the ID value. The ID column is hidden by default in Unison search. When you bulk update existing items, you can specify the IDs in the template to uniquely identify the objects. You can view the ID column only in bulk update templates. The ID column in the template is in the following format: <Facet Name> ID. For example, when you bulk update the Policy template, you can enter the Policy ID values to uniquely identify Policy objects.
The ID column is different from the Ref. column that is present in both bulk upload and bulk update templates. You can configure the value in the Ref. column. If you do not specify a value in the Ref. column, Axon automatically assigns a reference identifier to an Axon object. The Ref. column can have alphanumeric values. You can provide external source references in the Ref. column in Axon. For example, in a process diagram, you can configure reference identifiers for each step in a process for better clarity and understanding.