Configure Custom Fields
You can create custom fields that you want Axon to display when you create an object. You can use custom fields to capture specific additional data to meet your business requirements. For example, in your organization, all products might require a manufacturing lot number and an expiry date. You can create the Lot Number and Expiry fields for the Product facet. When you create a new Product object, Axon displays these fields in the interface so that you can enter the appropriate values.
When you search for Axon objects in Unison Search, you can choose to display the custom fields as columns in the search results. For more information about searching for Axon objects, refer the Unison Search topic in the Search and View Objects chapter of the Axon Data Governance 7.1 User Guide.
You can also enter several values for the custom fields using the bulk upload templates. For more information about uploading data to Axon using the bulk upload templates, refer the Bulk Upload Templates Overview topic in the Bulk Upload Data chapter of the Axon Data Governance 7.1 User Guide.
Note: You cannot create custom fields for Data Quality objects and change requests.
Add Custom Fields
You can create custom fields to add additional fields to capture details according to your requirements.
You must have the Admin or Super Admin profile to perform this task.
1. From the Axon toolbar, click the Admin Panel menu item under your user name.
2. In the menu on the left, under Meta-Model Administration, click Custom Fields.
The Configure Custom Fields page appears.
3. In the Facet list, select the facet for which you want to create custom fields.
The page displays the list of custom fields that you have created for the facet.
4. Click Edit, and then click the
icon to add a new field The Add Custom Field dialog box appears.
5. In the Add Custom Field dialog box, enter the following properties of the custom field:
Property | Description |
Display Name | Name of the custom field that needs to appear in the Axon interface. Make sure that you enter a field name that does not match an existing field name in the facet. You can edit a display name later. Note: The following guidelines apply to custom field names: - - The Display Name that you enter for the first time when you create a custom field becomes the Technical Name for the field. You cannot modify the Technical Name later. If you enter names with spaces in the Display Name, the Technical Name field stores the names without spaces. You need the Technical Name for API calls.
- - The field name must begin with a letter, number, or an underscore.
- - The following special characters are supported in the field name: ( ) [ ] { } - _ ?
- - Do not use the following characters in an attribute name: [ ]
Mandatory | Determines if the Axon user must enter a value in the custom field. Mandatory fields appear in the Definition section of an Axon object, and non-mandatory fields appear in the Optional Fields section of an Axon object. Note: If you use SSO or retrieve users from the LDAP directory to create users in Axon, make sure that you do not create a mandatory field for the People or Org Unit facet. |
Description | Description for the custom field. |
Type | The type of value that the user can enter in the custom field. - - Text: The user must enter a text string.
- - Number: The user must enter a numeric integer value.
Note: The integer value cannot exceed 19 digits. - - Decimal: The user must enter a numeric integer value or decimal value.
Note: If the user enters a decimal value, the integer part of a decimal value cannot exceed 13 digits. - - Date: The user must select a date. You cannot select the Date type for the Data Attributes facet.
- - Check Box: The field is a check box that the user can either select or clear.
- - Time: The user must select a time. You cannot select the Time type for the Data Attributes facet.
- - Percentage: The user must enter a percentage value.
- - Dropdown: The user must select a value from a list of dropdown values.
Values | This property appears if you select the Dropdown type. Enter the list of values that must be available for the user. Enter each value in a new line. The user can select one of these values from the available dropdown list. |
Default Value | Enter a value that must appear for the field by default. Note: If you configure a custom field as required, you must provide a default value. |
Placeholder Text | Enter a descriptive text that instructs the user about the purpose of the custom field. The text that you enter in this field appears in grey color for the user. |
6. Click Save.
View List of Custom Fields
To see the list of custom fields that you have created, perform the following steps:
You must have the Admin or Super Admin profile to perform this task.
1. From the Axon toolbar, click the Admin Panel menu item under your user name.
2. In the menu on the left, under Meta-Model Administration, click Custom Fields.
The Configure Custom Fields page appears.
3. In the Facet list, select the facet for which you want to create custom fields.
The page displays the list of custom fields that you created for the facet.
To edit a custom field, click the

icon for a field and modify the field properties. You cannot modify a custom field type.
To delete a custom field, click the

icon for the field.