Data Governance Administrator Guide > Configuring Axon > Configure Periodic Review of Objects

Configure Periodic Review of Objects

You can configure Axon to periodically initiate the review process to ensure that the objects are updated according to the data governance requirements of your organization.
You must have the Admin or Super Admin profile to perform this task.
In the Admin Panel, you can configure Axon to automatically start a periodic review of objects at the review start date. The action ensures that the stakeholders review and update objects regularly.
    1. From the Axon toolbar, click the Admin Panel menu item under your user name.
    2. In the menu on the left, under the DG Operating Model category, click Periodic Review of Objects.
    3. In the Facet list, click the facet for which you want to create a periodic review. You can choose one of the facet from the following list:
    4. Select the Enable Periodic Review option to configure periodic review for the selected facet.
    Note: The page displays the list of periodic reviews configured for the facet. You can click the name of the periodic review that you want to edit.
    5. To delete a periodic review configuration, select the items form the list of periodic reviews.
    6. Click Delete.
    7. Click Add to configure a new periodic review of selected facet.
    The page displays the settings for review.
    8. Configure the following properties in the Definition section:
    Name of the review configuration for the selected facet.
    Description of the review configuration.
    9. Configure the following properties in the Periodic Review date and Recurrence section:
    Periodic Review Start Date
    The date from which the review must start. The default threshold period between change request and periodic review start date is 15 days.
    Periodic Review Recurrence
    Frequency of the periodic review.
    Click the edit icon to configure or edit the frequency of the periodic review. You can select the Yearly, Monthly, or Do not recure options. You can choose the corresponding settings for the selected recurrence option. Choose a frequency according to your requirement.
    For example, select the Yearly recurrence. You can configure one of the following options:
    • - Start the recurrence one year after the periodic review start date.
    • - Start the recurrence on first day of January after the periodic review start date.
    • - Start the recurrence on first Monday of January after the periodic review start date.
    Generate Change Request
    Number of days before the object review date when Axon creates a change request. By default, the change request starts 15 days before the periodic review start date.
    10. Configure the following properties in the Filters section:
    Select the type of the facet. The periodic review is created for the selected types for the facet.
    If you select more than two facet types, the field shows number of the selected types. Hover the mouse to view the details of the selected types.
    Axon Status
    Status of the object for which Axon starts a periodic review.
    Stage of the facet in the approval lifecycle.
    Top Level Parent
    Select the top level parent name for the selected facet. You can choose from 10K parent level filters.
    11. Configure the following properties in the Workflow and Change Request Configurations section:
    Default Change Request Title
    Name for the automatic change request .
    Default Change Request Summary
    Summary for the automatic change request.
    Default Change Request System
    Default system to create change request. Select one of the following options:
    • - Internal. Use the Axon change request system.
    • - ServiceNow. Use the ServiceNow request system.
    Default Workflow
    Default workflow for the change request.
    Default Change Request Type
    Select the default reason that applies to the change request:
    • - Request for Change
    • - Request for Information
    Default Change Request Urgency
    Select the default urgency that applies to the change request.
    Default Change Request Severity
    Select the default severity that applies to the change request.
    12. Click Save and Close.
    When you edit periodic review configuration or create another periodic review for the same facet, the filter configurations might overlap with the existing filter configurations. Due to the overlap, the facet objects may go through multiple periodic reviews, starting with the earliest review date. You can choose to save the new filter configuration with the overlap, or modify the filter configuration based on your requirement.
    The page displays the list of periodic reviews configured for the facet objects.
    Note: When you enable the periodic review for an object, the Next Review Date column and filter do not appear in the unison search page. However, the query API contains the next review date of the periodic review of the object.