Field | Type | Description |
Business Area Name | Required | Name of the business area. |
Business Area Parent Name | Optional | Name of the parent business area if the business area belongs to a hierarchy. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the Business Area Head role. |
Field | Type | Description |
Capability Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the capability. |
Capability Name | Optional | Name of the capability. |
Parent Capability Name | Optional | Parent name of the capability if the capability belongs to a hierarchy. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the Capability Owner role. |
Field | Type | Description |
Client Name | Required | Short name of the client. Enter a name that users can recognize easily. |
Client Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the client that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the Client Segmentation Owner role. |
Field | Type | Description |
Committee Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the committee. |
Committee Name | Optional | Name of the committee. Enter a name that users can recognize easily. |
Committee Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the committee that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the Committee Chair role. |
Field | Type | Description |
Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the data set. |
Name | Optional | Name of the data set. |
System Short Name | Optional | Name of the system that the data set belongs to. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles.
Field | Type | Description |
Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the glossary. |
Name | Optional | Name of the glossary. |
Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the glossary term. The glossary parent name must exist in Axon. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Interface Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the system interface. |
Interface Name | Optional | Name of the system interface. |
Interface Source System Short Name | Optional | System from which the information flows out. |
Interface Target System Short Name | Optional | System to which the information flows in. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles.
Field | Type | Description |
Legal Entity Name | Required | Short name of the legal entity. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Legal Entity Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the legal entity that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the Legal Entity Owner role. |
Field | Type | Description |
Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the policy. |
Name | Optional | Short name of the policy. Enter a name that users can recognize easily. |
Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the policy that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the process. |
Name | Optional | Name of the process. |
Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the process. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select one the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Product Name | Required | Short name of the product. Enter a name that users can recognize easily. |
Product Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the product if the product belongs to a hierarchy. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Project Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the project. |
Project Name | Optional | Name of the project. Enter a name that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
Project Parent Name | Optional | Parent name of the project that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Regulation Ref. | Optional | A unique reference identifier for the regulation. |
Regulation Name | Optional | Short name for the regulation. The most commonly used name or an acronym for the regulation, such as GDPR. Enter a name that users can recognize easily. |
Parent Regulation Name | Optional | Parent name of the regulation that you want to create. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles:
Field | Type | Description |
Short Name | Required | Short name of a system that other Axon users can recognize easily. |
User Email | Optional | Unique email address of the user. Axon sends emails to this email address. |
User First Name | Optional | First name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Last Name | Optional | Last Name of the user. Specify the name as it is recorded in the LDAP directory server of your organization. |
User Lan ID | Optional | Network ID of the user. |
Governance Role | Required | The role of the user. You can select the following roles: