Data Marketplace User Guide > Getting Started With Data Marketplace > Understanding Terms

Understanding Terms

To understand how to publish and search for data collections in Axon Data Marketplace, you must be familiar with the following terms:
Access Request
A request made by a data consumer to a data owner to get access to a data collection.
A predefined classification in the Data Marketplace where the Data Marketplace Administrator can publish data sets and create data collections. A category is a grouping of several related data collections.
For example, if a Data Marketplace Administrator wants to publish employee policy documents to the Data Marketplace, the most suitable category for the documents might be "Human Resources".
Data Collection
A data set that has a meaningful name and description in the Data Marketplace.
For example, the HR team in an organization publishes all employee policy documents to the Data Marketplace as an "Employee Claims Made to the Company Health Plan" collection.
Delivery Option
The means by which the technical owner grants the data consumer access to the requested data. The delivery option mainly comprises the data format, the delivery method, and the data location.
For example, a technical owner specifies the delivery option as a Microsoft Excel file that is shared on a common FTP location within the organization.
The process of delivering data to a data consumer.
For example, if a technical owner grants secure database access to a data consumer, the request is considered as fulfilled.