Big Data Management Administrator Guide > Cluster Configuration > Cluster Configuration Views

Cluster Configuration Views

You can manage cluster configurations on the Connections tab of the Administrator tool.
When you highlight a cluster configuration on the Connections tab, you can view the cluster configuration details on the right pane. The cluster configuration displays the following components:
Active Properties view
Displays general properties and all run-time properties and values. You can view the following properties:
Overridden Properties view
Displays only properties with overridden values, including imported properties and user-defined properties.
Permissions view
Configure permissions to perform actions on cluster configurations.
Actions menu
From the Actions menu, you can perform the following actions:
You can create, edit, and delete properties from the Active Properties view and the Overridden Properties view.
Note: The Active Properties and Overridden Properties views display configuration sets with names based on the associated *-site.xml file on the cluster. For example, the properties from the cluster core-site.xml file appear under the configuration set name core_site_xml.

Active Properties View

The Active Properties view displays all cluster properties, both imported and user-defined.
The Active Properties view contains general properties and all run-time properties. General properties include the cluster configuration name, ID, description, distribution type, and the last date of refresh. Run-time properties are organized into configuration sets based on the corresponding *-site.xml files on the cluster. For example, the hive-site.xml configuration set contains all of the properties and values imported from the hive-site.xml file on the cluster.
The cluster configuration can contain the following types of run-time properties:
Imported properties
Properties and values imported from the cluster or file. You can override property values based on your requirements. Some cluster configuration properties contain sensitive information, such as passwords. The Service Manager masks the value of sensitive properties with asterisk characters when you import or refresh the cluster configuration. The masked values appear in the Administrator tool and in infacmd results.
User-defined properties
You can create user-defined properties based on processing requirements. When you create a user-defined property, the value appears as an overridden value.
Active properties are properties that the Data Integration Service uses at run time. Each expanded configuration set of the Active Properties view displays these active values. If a property has an overridden value, the Data Integration Service uses the overridden value as the active value. If the property does not have an overridden value, the Data Integration Service uses the imported value as the active value. To see the imported value of a property that is overridden, click the edit icon.
The following image shows cluster configurations in the Domain Navigator.
Use the Connections tab to view a list of cluster configurations under the cluster configurations node. Select a cluster configuration and click the Active Properties view to view its contents, organized into configuration sets, or click the Overridden Properties view to see overridden properties.
  1. 1. The Cluster Configurations node in the Domain Navigator displays the cluster configurations in the domain.
  2. 2. The right pane shows the general properties and configuration sets. The General Properties set is expanded to show general property values.
  3. 3. The core-site.xml configuration set is expanded to show the properties that it contains.

Overridden Properties View

The Overridden Properties view displays only properties with overridden values.
The Overridden Properties view includes user-defined properties and imported properties that you overrode. The values that appear in the view are the active values. To see imported values, click the edit icon.
The following image shows a property in the core-site.xml configuration set with an overridden value of 2:
The imported value of 1 of the property fs.trash.interval in the core-site.xml configuration set has been overriddeen to 2.
Note that configuration sets that do not contain overrides display a message indicating that no properties are defined.