Big Data Management Administrator Guide > Cluster Configuration > Cluster Configuration and Connections

Cluster Configuration and Connections

When you create a cluster configuration, you can choose to create connections. All Hadoop connections used to run a mapping must be associated with a cluster configuration.
If you choose to create connections, the Cluster Configuration wizard associates the cluster configuration with each connection that it creates. The wizard creates the following connections:
The wizard uses the following naming convention when it creates connections: <connection type>_<cluster configuration name>, such as Hive_ccMapR.
If you do not choose to create connections, you must manually create them and associate the cluster configuration with them.

Copying a Connection to Another Domain

When you copy a Hadoop, HDFS, HBase or Hive connection that is associated with a cluster configuration to another domain, you must first create a cluster configuration in the target domain.
Create a cluster configuration with the same name as the one that is associated with the connection in the source domain.
  1. 1. Identify a connection to copy, and note the name of the cluster configuration that is associated with it.
  2. 2. In the target domain, create a cluster configuration of the same name.
  3. 3. Choose not to create connections with creation of the cluster configuration.
  4. 4. Copy the connection to the target domain.
The connection has an associated cluster configuration.