Property | Description |
Cluster configuration name | Name of the cluster configuration. |
Description | Optional description of the cluster configuration. |
Distribution type | The cluster Hadoop distribution type. |
Distribution version | Version of the Hadoop distribution. Each distribution type has a default version. The default version is the latest version of the Hadoop distribution that Big Data Management supports. Note: When the cluster version differs from the default version and Informatica supports more than one version, the cluster configuration import process populates the property with the most recent supported version. For example, consider the case where Informatica supports versions 5.10 and 5.13, and the cluster version is 5.12. In this case, the cluster configuration import process populates this property with 5.10, because 5.10 is the most recent supported version before 5.12. You can edit the property to choose any supported version. Restart the Data Integration Service for the changes to take effect. |
Method to import the cluster configuration | Choose Import from cluster. |
Create connections | Choose to create Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, and HBase connections. If you choose to create connections, the Cluster Configuration wizard associates the cluster configuration with each connection that it creates. If you do not choose to create connections, you must manually create them and associate the cluster configuration with them. Important: When the wizard creates the Hive connection, it populates the Metadata Connection String and the Data Access Connection String properties with the value from the hive.metastore.uris property. If the Hive metastore and HiveServer2 are running on different nodes, you must update the Metadata Connection String to point to the HiveServer2 host. |
Property | Description |
Host | IP address of the cluster manager. |
Port | Port of the cluster manager. |
User ID | Cluster user ID. |
Password | Password for the user. |
Cluster name | Name of the cluster. Use the display name if the cluster manager manages multiple clusters. If you do not provide a cluster name, the wizard imports information based on the default cluster. |
Property | Description |
Cluster configuration name | Name of the cluster configuration. |
Description | Optional description of the cluster configuration. |
Distribution type | The cluster Hadoop distribution type. |
Distribution version | Version of the Hadoop distribution. Each distribution type has a default version. This is the latest version of the Hadoop distribution that Big Data Management supports. When the cluster version differs from the default version, the cluster configuration wizard populates the cluster configuration Hadoop distribution property with the most recent supported version relative to the cluster version. For example, suppose Informatica supports versions 5.10 and 5.13, and the cluster version is 5.12. In this case, the wizard populates the version with 5.10. You can edit the property to choose any supported version. Restart the Data Integration Service for the changes to take effect. |
Method to import the cluster configuration | Choose Import from file to import properties from an archive file. |
Create connections | Choose to create Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, and HBase connections. If you choose to create connections, the Cluster Configuration wizard associates the cluster configuration with each connection that it creates. If you do not choose to create connections, you must manually create them and associate the cluster configuration with them. Important: When the wizard creates the Hive connection, it populates the Metadata Connection String and the Data Access Connection String properties with the value from the hive.metastore.uris property. If the Hive metastore and HiveServer2 are running on different nodes, you must update the Metadata Connection String to point to the HiveServer2 host. |