Developer Mapping Guide > How to Develop and Run a Dynamic Mapping > Creating a Dynamic Expression

Creating a Dynamic Expression

Create a dynamic expression in an Expression transformation to run the expression one time for each port in a dynamic port or a port selector. The dynamic expression returns the results to a separate generated port for each instance.
    1. In the Expression transformation, go to the Properties view and click the Ports tab.
    2. Click New Dynamic Port.
    The Developer tool creates a dynamic port with default properties.
    3. Rename the dynamic port and disable the input option.
    The dynamic port must be an output port.
    4. In the Expression column for the dynamic output port, click the Open button ("").
    The Dynamic Expression dialog box appears:
    5. In the Expression editor, enter an expression. The expression can include a port selector or a dynamic port.
    For example, LTRIM(RTRIM(Dynamic_Customer)), where Dynamic_Customer is a dynamic port.
    6. Click Validate to validate the expression.
    7. Click OK to exit the Validate Expression dialog box.
    8. In the Output Port Settings area, select the dynamic output port from the Base Port list or choose a port selector that you referenced in the expression.
    The Developer tool generates output ports based on what you select.
    9. Use the following steps to rename the output ports:
    1. a. Click Edit Output Port Settings.
    2. The Output Port Settings dialog box appears.
    3. b. In the Name list, select one of the options and enter a value for the prefix or suffix. If you selected Fixed string + Auto-number, enter the text for output port name. For example, if you enter TRIM for the output port name, the output port names appear as TRIM1, TRIM2, TRIM3.
    4. c. Optionally, choose Specify settings in the Other Settings area to change the type, precision, and scale for the output ports. By default, the output ports use the settings of the base ports.
    5. d. Click OK.
    10. Click OK to exit the Dynamic Expression editor.