Developer Mapping Guide > Mapplets > Mapplets Overview

Mapplets Overview

A mapplet is a reusable object containing a set of transformations that you can use in multiple mappings. Use a mapplet in a mapping. Or, validate the mapplet as a rule.
Transformations in a mapplet can be reusable or non-reusable. If you add a Sequence Generator transformation to a mapplet, it must be reusable.
When you use a mapplet in a mapping, you use an instance of the mapplet. Any change made to the mapplet is inherited by all instances of the mapplet.
Mapplets can contain other mapplets. You can also use a mapplet more than once in a mapping or mapplet. You cannot have circular nesting of mapplets. For example, if mapplet A contains mapplet B, mapplet B cannot contain mapplet A.
For example, the following figure shows a mapplet that combines customer information from east, west, and central regions with the help of a Union transformation:
The mapplet includes three sources, a Union transformation, and an Output transformation.
The following figure shows a mapping where you can reuse the customer mapplet and find the customer who bought the maximum items in each state:
The mapping includes the mapplet as source, a lookup table to lookup sales records in the Sales Transactions table, an Aggregator transformation to group data by state and calculate the maximum quantity, and target.
You can create a mapplet manually. You can also generate a mapplet from a segment within a mapping or mapplet.