Address Validation Advanced Properties
Configure the advanced properties to determine how the Data Integration Service processes data for the Address Validator transformation.
Alias Locality
Determines whether address validation replaces a valid locality alias with the official locality name.
A locality alias is an alternative locality name that the USPS recognizes as an element in a deliverable address. You can use the property when you configure the Address Validator transformation to validate United States address records in Certified mode.
The following table describes the Alias Locality options:
Option | Description |
Off | Disables the Alias Locality property. |
Official | Replaces any alternative locality name or locality alias with the official locality name. Default option. |
Preserve | Preserves a valid alternative locality name or locality alias. If the input locality name is not valid, address validation replaces the name with the official name. |
Alias Street
Determines whether address validation replaces a street alias with the official street name.
A street alias is an alternative street name that the USPS recognizes as an element in a deliverable address. You can use the property when you configure the Address Validator transformation to validate United States address records in Certified mode.
The following table describes the Alias Street options:
Option | Description |
Off | Does not apply the property. |
Official | Replaces any alternative street name or street alias with the official street name. Default option. |
Preserve | Preserves a valid alternative street name or street alias. If the input street name is not valid, address validation replaces the name with the official name. |
Casing Style
Specifies the character case style that the transformation applies to the output address data.
The following table describes the Casing Style options:
Option | Description |
Assign Parameter | Uses a parameter that you define to set the casing style. |
Lower | Writes the output address in lowercase letters. |
Mixed | Uses the casing style in use in the destination country when it is possible to do so. |
Preserved | Applies the casing style that the address reference data uses. Default option. |
No Change | Does not apply a casing style to the address. Note: The No Change option does not guarantee that the output address will match the case of the input address. If address validation replaces an address element with an element from the reference data, the element follows the case that the reference data uses. |
Upper | Writes the output address in uppercase letters. |
You can also configure the casing style on the General Settings tab.
Parameter Usage
You can use one of the following parameters to specify the casing style:
- •LOWER. Writes the output address in lowercase letters.
- •MIXED. Uses the casing style in use in the destination country when it is possible to do so.
- •NATIVE. Applies the casing style that the address reference data uses. Default option. Matches the Preserved option.
- •NOCHANGE. Does not apply a casing style to the address.
- •UPPER. Writes the output address in uppercase letters.
Enter the parameter value in uppercase.
Country of Origin
Identifies the country in which the address records are mailed.
Select a country from the list. The property is empty by default.
Country Type
Determines the format of the country name or abbreviation in Complete Address or Formatted Address Line port output data. The transformation writes the country name or abbreviation in the standard format of the country you select.
The following table describes the Country Type options:
Option | Country |
ISO 2 | ISO two-character country code |
ISO 3 | ISO three-character country code |
ISO # | ISO three-digit country code |
Abbreviation | (Reserved for future use) |
CN | Canada |
DA | (Reserved for future use) |
DE | Germany |
EN | Great Britain (default) |
ES | Spain |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GR | Greece |
IT | Italy |
JP | Japan |
HU | Hungary |
KR | Korea, Republic of |
NL | Netherlands |
PL | Poland |
PT | Portugal |
RU | Russia |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SE | Sweden |
Default Country
Specifies the address reference data set that the transformation uses when an address record does not identify a destination country.
Select a country from the list. Use the default option if the address records include country information. Default is None.
You can also configure the default country on the General Settings tab.
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the default country. When you create the parameter, enter the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the country as the parameter value. When you enter a parameter value, use uppercase characters. For example, if all address records include country information, enter NONE.
Dual Address Priority
Determines the type of address to validate. Set the property when input address records contain more than one type of valid address data.
For example, use the property when an address record contains both post office box elements and street elements. Address validation reads the data elements that contain the type of address data that you specify. Address validation ignores any incompatible data in the address.
The following table describes the options on the Dual Address Priority property:
Option | Description |
Delivery service | Validates delivery service data elements in an address, such as post office box elements. |
Postal admin | Validates the address elements required by the local mail carrier. Default option. |
Street | Validates street data elements in an address, such as building number elements and street name elements. |
Element Abbreviation
Determines if the transformation returns the abbreviated form of an address element. You can set the transformation to return the abbreviated form if the address reference data contains abbreviations.
For example, the United States Postal Service (USPS) maintains short and long forms of many street and locality names. The short form of HUNTSVILLE BROWNSFERRY RD is HSV BROWNS FRY RD. You can select the Element Abbreviation property when the street or locality values exceed the maximum field length that the USPS specifies.
The option is cleared by default. Set the property to ON to return the abbreviated address values. The property returns the abbreviated locality name and locality code when you use the transformation in batch mode. The property returns the abbreviated street name, locality name, and locality code when you use the transformation in certified mode.
Execution Instances
Specifies the number of threads that the Data Integration Service tries to create for the current transformation at run time. The Data Integration Service considers the Execution Instances value if you override the Maximum Parallelism run-time property on the mapping that contains the transformation. The default Execution Instances value is 1.
The Data Integration Service considers multiple factors to determine the number of threads to assign to the transformation. The principal factors are the Execution Instances value and the values on the mapping and on the associated application services in the domain.
The Data Integration Service reads the following values when it calculates the number of threads to use for the transformation:
- •The Maximum Parallelism value on the Data Integration Service. Default is 1.
- •Any Maximum Parallelism value that you set at the mapping level. Default is Auto.
- •The Execution Instances value on the transformation. Default is 1.
If you override the Maximum Parallelism value at the mapping level, the Data Integration Service attempts to use the lowest value across the properties to determine the number of threads.
If you use the default Maximum Parallelism value at the mapping level, the Data Integration Service ignores the Execution Instances value.
The Data Integration Service also considers the Max Address Object Count property on the Content Management Service when it calculates the number of threads to create. The Max Address Object Count property determines the maximum number of address validation instances that can run concurrently in a mapping. The Max Address Object Count property value must be greater than or equal to the Maximum Parallelism value on the Data Integration Service.
Rules and Guidelines for the Execution Instances Property
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you set the number of execution instances:
- •Multiple users might run concurrent mappings on a Data Integration Service. To calculate the correct number of threads, divide the number of central processing units that the service can access by the number of concurrent mappings.
- •In PowerCenter, the AD50.cfg configuration file specifies the maximum number of address validation instances that can run concurrently in a mapping.
- •When you use the default Execution Instances value and the default Maximum Parallelism values, the transformation operations are not partitionable.
- •When you set an Execution Instances value greater than 1, you change the Address Validator transformation from a passive transformation to an active transformation.
Flexible Range Expansion
Imposes a practical limit on the number of addresses that the Address Validator transformation returns when you set the Ranges to Expand property. You can set the Ranges to Expand property and the Flexible Range Expansion property when you configure the transformation to run in suggestion list mode.
The Ranges to Expand property determines how the transformation returns address suggestions when an input address does not contain house number data. If the input address does not include contextual data, such as a full post code, the Ranges to Expand property can generate a large number of very similar addresses. The Flexible Range Expansion property restricts the number of addresses that the Ranges to Expand property generates for a single address. Set the Flexible Range Expansion property to On when you set the Ranges to Expand property to All.
The following table describes the options on the Flexible Range Expansion property:
Option | Description |
On | Address validation limits the number of addresses that the Ranges to Expand property adds to the suggestion list. Default option. |
Off | Address validation does not limit the number of addresses that the Ranges to Expand property adds to the suggestion list. |
Note: The Address Validator transformation applies the Flexible Range Expansion property in a different way to every address that it returns to the suggestion list. The transformation does not impose a fixed limit on the number of expanded addresses in the list. The transformation also considers the Max Result Count property setting when it calculates the number of expanded addresses to include in the list.
Geocode Data Type
Determines how the Address Validator transformation calculates geocode data for an address. Geocodes are latitude and longitude coordinates.
You can select one of the following geocode options:
- Arrival point
- Returns the latitude and longitude coordinates of the entrance to a building or parcel of land. Default option.
- You can select the arrival point option for addresses in the following countries:
- Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.
- If you specify arrival point geocodes and the Address Validator transformation cannot return the geocodes for an address, the transformation returns interpolated geocodes.
- Parcel centroid
- Returns the latitude and longitude coordinates of the geographic center of a parcel of land at ground level.
- You can select the parcel centroid option for addresses in the following countries:
- Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United States.
- If you specify parcel centroid geocodes and the Address Validator transformation cannot return the geocodes for an address, the transformation does not return any geocode data.
- Rooftop
- Returns the latitude and longitude coordinates that identify the physical center of the building that contains the mailbox. The Address Validator transformation returns rooftop coordinates for Ireland and United Kingdom addresses.
- If you specify rooftop geocodes and the Address Validator transformation cannot return the geocodes for an address, the transformation does not return any geocode data.
- Standard
- Returns the estimated latitude and longitude coordinates of the entrance to the building or parcel of land. An estimated geocode is also called an interpolated geocode.
- The Address Validator transformation uses the nearest available geocodes in the reference data to estimate the geocodes for the address.
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the geocode type. Enter ARRIVAL_POINT, PARCEL_CENTROID, ROOFTOP, or NONE. To return the standard geocodes, enter NONE.
Enter the parameter value in uppercase.
Global Max Field Length
Determines the maximum number of characters on any line in the address. If the Address Validator transformation writes an output address line that contains more characters than you specify, the transformation abbreviates the address elements on the line.
Use the property to control the line length in the address. For example, the SNA standards require that an address contains no more than 38 characters on any line. If you generate addresses to the SNA standard, set the Global Max Field Length to 38.
Default is 1024.
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the maximum number of addresses. To set the parameter value, enter an integer from 0 through 1024.
Global Preferred Descriptor
Determines the format of the building descriptor, sub-building descriptor, and street descriptor that the Address Validator transformation writes to the output data. Select a descriptor when the address reference data for the destination country contains a range of descriptors for one or more of the data elements.
The following table describes the options on the property:
Option | Description |
Database | Returns the descriptor that the reference database specifies for the element in the address. If the database does not specify a descriptor for the address, the transformation copies the input value to the output address. Database is the default value. |
Long | Returns the complete form of the descriptor, for example Street. |
Preserve Input | Copies the descriptor from the input address to the output address. If the input descriptor is not a valid version of the descriptor, the transformation returns an equivalent valid descriptor from the reference database. |
Short | Returns an abbreviated form of the descriptor, for example St. |
Input Format Type
Describes the most common type of information contained in unfielded input data. Use the Input Format Type property when you connect input data to the Complete Address or Formatted Address Line ports. Select the option that best describes the information in the mapping source data.
Select one of the following options:
- •All
- •Address
- •Organization
- •Contact
- •Organization/Contact
The address includes organization information and contact information.
- • Organization/Dept
The address includes organization information and department information.
Default is All.
Input Format With Country
Specifies whether the input contains country data. Select the property if you connect input data to the Complete Address or Formatted Address Line input ports and if the data contains country information.
The option is cleared by default.
Line Separator
Specifies the delimiter symbol that indicates line breaks in a formatted address.
Select one of the following options:
- •Assign a parameter to identify the line separator
- •Carriage return (CR)
- •Comma
- •Line Feed (LF)
- •None
- •Semicolon
- •Tab
- •Windows New Line (CRLF)
Default is semicolon.
You can also configure the line separator on the General Settings tab.
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the line separator. The parameter value is case-sensitive. Enter the parameter value in uppercase characters.
Enter one of the following values:
- •CR
- •LF
- •TAB
Matching Alternatives
Determines whether address validation recognizes alternative place names, such as synonyms or historical names, in an input address. The property applies to street, locality, and province data.
Note: The Matching Alternatives property does not preserve alternative names in a validated address.
The following table describes the Matching Alternatives options:
Option | Description |
All | Recognizes all known alternative street names and place names. Default option. |
Archives only | Recognizes historical names only. For example, address validation validates "Constantinople" as a historical version of "Istanbul." |
None | Does not recognize alternative street names or place names. |
Synonyms only | Recognizes synonyms and exonyms only. For example, address validation validates "Londres" as an exonym of "London." |
Matching Extended Archive
Determines whether address validation returns a unique delivery point code for an out-of-date Japanese address.
The address reference data files for Japan include data for out-of-date or retired addresses alongside the current addresses for the corresponding mailboxes. When you select the Matching Extended Archive property, address validation returns the delivery point code for the current version of each address. Address validation also writes a value to the Extended Element Result Status port to indicate that the input address is out of date.
To retrieve the current address from the address reference data, enter the address code as an input element.
The following table describes the Matching Extended Archive options:
Option | Description |
Off | Does not apply the property. |
On | Returns the address code for the current version of an out-of-date Japanese address. |
The Matching Extended Archive property uses supplementary data and address code lookup data for Japan. To apply the property in address validation, configure the transformation to run in address code lookup mode.
Matching Scope
Determines the amount of data that the transformation matches against the address reference data during address validation.
The following table describes the Matching Scope options:
Option | Description |
All | Validates all selected ports. Default option. |
Delivery Point | Validates building and sub-building address data in addition to data that the Street option validates. |
Locality | Validates province, locality, and postcode data. |
Street | Validates street address data in addition to data that the Locality option validates. |
Max Result Count
Determines the maximum number of addresses that address validation can return in suggestion list mode.
You can set a maximum number in the range 1 through 100. Default is 20.
Note: Suggestion list mode performs an address check against address reference data and returns a list of addresses that are possible matches for the input address. When you verify an address in suggestion list mode, address validation returns the best matches first.
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the maximum number of addresses. To set the parameter value, enter an integer from 0 through 100.
Determines the type of address analysis that the transformation performs. You can also configure the mode on the General Settings tab of the transformation.
Optimization Level
Determines how the transformation matches input address data and address reference data. The property defines the type of match that the transformation must find between the input data and reference data before it can update the address record.
The following table describes the Optimization Level options:
Option | Description |
Narrow | The transformation parses building numbers or house numbers from street information before it performs validation. Otherwise the transformation validates the input address elements strictly according to the input port structure. The narrow option performs the fastest address validation, but it can return less accurate results than other options. |
Standard | The transformation parses multiple types of address information from the input data before it performs validation. When you select the standard option, the transformation updates an address if it can match multiple input values with the reference data. Default is Standard. |
Wide | The transformation uses the standard parsing settings and performs additional parsing operations across the input data. When you select the wide option, the transformation updates an address if it can match at least one input value with the reference data. The wide option increases mapping run times. |
Parameter Usage
You can use a parameter to specify the optimization level. Enter NARROW, STANDARD, or WIDE. Enter the parameter value in uppercase.
Output Format Type
Describes the most common type of information that the transformation writes on the Complete Address or Formatted Address Line output port. Select the option that best describes the data that you expect on the output port.
Select one of the following options:
- •All
- •Address
- •Organization
- •Contact
- •Organization/Contact
The address includes organization information and contact information.
- • Organization/Dept
The address includes organization information and department information.
Default is All.
Output Format With Country
Determines if the transformation writes country identification data to the Complete Address or Formatted Address Line output ports.
The option is cleared by default.
Preferred Language
Determines the languages in which the Address Validator transformation returns address elements when the reference data sets contain data in more than one language. You can set a preferred language for addresses in Belgium, Canada, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Macau, Switzerland, and Taiwan.
The Address Validator transformation can return address data in the following languages:
- •The default language for the address in the address reference data. The default language is the main spoken language in the region to which each address belongs.
- •Any other language that the address reference data supports for an address. For example, the Belgium reference data contains address elements in Flemish, French, and German.
The address reference data might contain data for a single address element or for a complete address in multiple languages. For example, address validation can return all address elements for Ireland in the English language and can return street, locality, and province information in the Irish language. Additionally, the reference data might specify different default languages for addresses in different parts of a country. For example, in the Switzerland reference data, the default language varies from region to region between French, German, and Italian.
The following table summarizes the options that you can select on the Preferred Language property:
Option | Description |
Database | Returns each address in the language that the address reference data specifies. The address reference data might specify different languages for addresses in different regions in a country. Database is the default option. |
Alternative 1, Alternative 2, Alternative 3 | Returns address elements in an alternative language from the reference data. The alternative languages depends on the country to which the address belongs. |
English | Returns address elements in English when the reference data contains the data in English. Returns the other address elements in the default language of the region to which the address belongs. |
Preserve Input | Returns each address in the language that the input address uses. The transformation preserves the input language when the address reference data contains the address in the input language. |
Note: An address reference data set might contain some address elements in a non-default language but not others. If the transformation cannot find an element in the language that the property specifies, the transformation returns the element in the default language.
When you set a preferred language option, verify that the character set that the Preferred Script property specifies is compatible with the output address data that you expect.
Multilanguage Support for Belgium Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Belgium:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns addresses in the main language of the region to which the address belongs. The language might be Flemish, French, or German. |
English | Returns the province, locality, and street information in English if the address reference data contains the information in English. Returns the other address elements in the main language of the region to which the address belongs. |
Alternative 1 | Returns the province, locality, and street information in Flemish. |
Alternative 2 | Returns the province, locality, and street information in French. |
Alternative 3 | Returns the province, locality, and street information in German. |
Preserve Input | Returns addresses in the language that the input address uses. The transformation preserves the language if the address reference data contains the address in the input language. If the input address contains more than one language, the transformation returns the output in the database language. |
Multilanguage Support for Canada Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Canada:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns addresses in English for all provinces except Quebec. Returns Quebec addresses in French. |
English | Returns all addresses in English. |
Alternative 1 | Returns all addresses in English. |
Alternative 2 | Returns Quebec addresses in French. In provinces other than Quebec, the transformation returns the street descriptors, directional information, and province names in French and returns other address elements in English. |
Preserve Input | Returns addresses in the input language. |
Multilanguage Support for China Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in China:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in Chinese. |
English | Returns the English-language versions of street descriptor and street directional values. Returns all other address information in the Chinese language. The English address elements omit transliteration elements such as "shi." |
Alternative 1 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Alternative 2 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Alternative 3 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address in the input language. If the transformation cannot return an element in the input language, it returns the element in the database language. |
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you select the preferred language:
- •To return the address in the Chinese language, select Database, Alternative 1, Alternative 2, or Alternative 3.
To return the address in a Chinese character set, set the Preferred Script property to Database.
- •To return street descriptor and street directional information in the English language, select English.
To return the address in a Latin or ASCII character set, set the Preferred Script property to a LATIN or ASCII value.
- •If you select a LATIN or ASCII value as the preferred script and Database as the preferred language, address validation returns the address data in Pinyin.
Multilanguage Support for Finland Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Finland:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in Finnish. |
Alternative 1 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Alternative 2 | Returns the street, locality, and province information in Swedish. Returns all other information in Finnish. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address information in the input language. If the transformation cannot return an element in the input language, it returns the element in the database language. |
Multilanguage Support for Hong Kong Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Hong Kong:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in Chinese. |
English | Returns all address information in English. |
Alternative 1 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Alternative 2 | Returns all address information in English. |
Alternative 3 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address information in the input language. If the transformation cannot return an element in the input language, it returns the element in the database language. |
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you select the preferred language for Hong Kong:
- •To return the address in a Chinese character set, set the Preferred Script property to Database.
- •To return the address in a Latin or ASCII character set, set the Preferred Script property to a LATIN or ASCII value.
- •The language of the input data can affect the operation of the Preserve Input option on a Hong Kong address. Address validation identifies the input language as English when the input data uses 7-bit ASCII characters and includes an English-language descriptor.
Multilanguage Support for Ireland Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Ireland:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in English. |
English | Returns all address information in English. |
Alternative 1 | Returns all address information in English. |
Alternative 2 | Returns the street, locality, and county information in Irish. Returns all other address information in English. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address in the input language. |
Multilanguage Support for Macau Addresses
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Macau:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in Chinese. |
Alternative 1 | Returns all address information in the database language. |
Alternative 2 | Returns all address information in Portuguese. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address information in the input language. The transformation preserves the language if the reference address database contains the address in the input language. |
- •To return the address in a Chinese character set, set the Preferred Script property to Database.
- •To return the address in a Latin or ASCII character set, set the Preferred Script property to a LATIN or ASCII value.
- •The language of the input data can affect the operation of the Preserve Input option on a Macau address. Address validation identifies the input language as Portuguese when the input data uses 7-bit ASCII characters and includes a Portuguese-language descriptor.
Multilanguage Support for Switzerland
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Switzerland:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns addresses in the main language of the region to which the address belongs. For example, address validation returns a Zurich address in German and a Geneva address in French. |
English | Returns the locality and province information in English if the reference address database contains the information in English. Returns the other address elements in the main language of the region to which the address belongs. Address validation returns the locality information in English for select localities such as Geneva and Zurich. |
Alternative 1 | Returns the province and locality information in German. |
Alternative 2 | Returns the province and locality information in French. |
Alternative 3 | Returns the province and locality information in Italian. |
Preserve Input | Returns addresses in the language that the input address uses. Address validation preserves the language if the reference address database contains the address in the input language. If the input address contains more than one language, address validation returns the output in the database language. |
Note: Address validation also returns street information for addresses in Biel/Bienne in the alternative language that you configure.
Multilanguage Support for Taiwan
The following table describes the languages that you can specify for addresses in Taiwan:
Option | Description |
Database | Default value. Returns all address information in Chinese. |
English | Returns all address information in English. |
Preserve Input | Returns the address information in the input language. If address validation cannot return an element in the input language, it returns the element in the database language. |
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you select the preferred language:
- •To return the address in a Chinese character set, set the Preferred Script parameter to Database.
- •To return the address in a Latin or ASCII character set, set the Preferred Script parameter to a LATIN or ASCII value.
- •The language of the input data can affect the operation of the Preserve Input option on a Taiwan address. Address validation identifies the input language as English when the input data uses 7-bit ASCII characters and includes an English-language descriptor.
Preferred Script
Determines the character set that the Address Validator transformation uses for output data.
The following table describes the options on the property:
Option | Description |
ASCII (Simplified) | Returns an address in ASCII characters. |
ASCII (Extended) | Returns an address in ASCII characters and expands any special character in an address. For example, Ö transliterates to OE. |
Database | Returns an address in the character set that the address reference data uses for the default language. Database is the default value. |
Latin | Returns an address in the Latin character set. |
Latin (Alt) | Returns an address in an alternative Latin character set. For example, specify Latin to return a South Korea address in the Revised Romanization transliteration. Specify Latin (Alt) to return a South Korea address in the older, ISO/TR 11941 transliteration. |
Postal Admin | Returns an address in the script that the postal service local to the address prefers. |
Postal Admin (Alt) | Returns an address in a script that the postal service local to the address approves as an alternative script. |
Preserve Input | Returns address data in the character set that the input address uses. |
The transformation can process a data source that contains data in multiple languages and character sets. The transformation converts all input data to the Unicode UCS-2 character set and processes the data in the UCS-2 format. After the transformation processes the data, it converts the data in each address record to the character set that you specify in the property. The process is called transliteration.
Transliteration can use the numeric representations of each character in a character set when it converts characters for processing. Transliteration can also convert characters phonetically when there is no equivalent numeric representation of a character. If the Address Validator transformation cannot map a character to UCS-2, it converts the character to a space.
Note: If you update the preferred language or the preferred script on the transformation, verify that the language and the character code that you select are compatible.
Ranges To Expand
Determines how the Address Validator transformation returns suggested addresses for a street address that does not specify a house number. Use the property when the transformation runs in suggestion list mode.
The Address Validator transformation reads a partial or incomplete street address in suggestion list mode. The transformation compares the address to the address reference data, and it returns all similar addresses to the end user. If the input address does not contain a house number, the transformation can return one or more house number suggestions for the street. The Ranges to Expand property determines how the transformation returns the addresses.
The transformation can return the range of valid house numbers in a single address, or it can return a separate address for each valid house number. The transformation can also return an address for each number in the range from the lowest to the highest house number on the street.
The following table describes the options on the property:
Option | Description |
All | Address validation returns a suggested address for every house number in the range of possible house numbers on the street. |
None | Address validation returns a single address that identifies the lowest and highest house numbers in the valid range for the street. |
Only with valid items | Address validation returns a suggested address for every house number that the address reference data recognizes as a deliverable address. |
Note: Suggestion list mode can use other elements in the address to specify the valid range of street numbers. For example, a ZIP Code might identify the city block that contains the address mailbox. The Address Validator transformation can use the ZIP Code to identify the lowest and highest valid house numbers on the block.
If the transformation cannot determine a house number range within practical limits, the number of suggested addresses can grow to an unusable size. To restrict the number of addresses that the Ranges to Expand property generates, set the Flexible Range Expansion property to On.
Standardize Invalid Addresses
Determines if the address validation process standardizes the data values in an undeliverable address. The property applies to address records that return a Match Code status in the range I1 through I4.
When you standardize the data, you increase the likelihood that a downstream data process returns accurate results. For example, a duplicate analysis mapping might return a higher match score for two address records that present common address elements in the same format.
Address validation can standardize the following address elements:
- •Street suffix elements, such as road and boulevard.
- •Predirectional and postdirectional elements, such as north, south, east, and west.
- •Delivery service elements, such as Post Office Box.
- •Sub-building elements, such as apartment, floor, and suite.
- •State or province names. Standardization returns the abbreviated forms of the names.
The following table describes the options on the property:
Option | Description |
Off | Address validation does not correct data errors. Default option. |
On | Address validation corrects data errors. |
Parameter Usage
You can assign a parameter to specify the standardization policy for data errors. Enter OFF or ON as the parameter value. Enter the value in uppercase.
Tracing Level
Sets the amount of detail that is included in the log.
You can configure tracing levels for logs.
Configure the following property on the Advanced tab:
- Tracing Level
- Amount of detail that appears in the log for this transformation. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.