Developer Transformation Guide > Address Validator Transformation > Address Validation Properties in the Preferences Window

Address Validation Properties in the Preferences Window

You can view the properties of the address validation engine and the address reference data files that the engine reads in the Developer tool. The Developer tool exposes the properties of the engine that the Data Integration Service uses to run address validation mappings. The Developer tool lists the properties for the Content Management Service that governs the address validation operations.
Use the Preferences window in the Developer tool to review the properties. Select the Content Status option on the Preferences window to identify the Content Management Service that the current Data Integration Service uses. To view the properties, select the local Content Management Service.
You can view the following properties:
Address Validation Data
The address validation data properties list the types of reference data that the current Content Management Service can provide to the Data Integration Service. The properties also indicate the countries to which the reference data applies.
Address Validation Engine
The address validation engine properties include the current engine version, the engine in which the certification components were most recently updated, and the data preloading method.
Address Validation License
The address validation license properties include license information for the reference data that the current Content Management Service can provide to the Data Integration Service.