Position | Address Element | Description | Address Element Example |
1 | Postal code level 0 | Basic postal code information, such as a five-digit ZIP Code. | The five-digit ZIP Code 10118 |
2 | Postal code level 1 | Additional postal code information, such as the final four digits of a ZIP+4 Code. | 0110, in the ZIP+4 Code 10118-0110 |
3 | Locality level 0 | Primary location, such as city or town. | London, in England |
4 | Locality level 1 | Dependent locality, suburb, village. | Islington, in London |
5 | Province level 0 | Primary region within a country, such as a United States state name, Canadian province name, Swiss canton. | New York State |
6 | Province level 1 | United States county name. | Queens County, in New York State |
7 | Street level 0 | Primary street information. | South Great George's Street |
8 | Street level 1 | Dependent street information. | George's Arcade, on South Great George's Street |
9 | Number level 0 | Building or house number related to the primary street. | 460, on South Great George's Street |
10 | Number level 1 | Building or house number related to the dependent street. | 81, on George's Arcade |
11 | Delivery service level 0 | Case postale or post box descriptor and number. | PO Box 111 |
12 | Delivery service level 1 | Code of the post office that is responsible for delivery. | MAIN STN |
13 | Building level 0 | Building name or number. Does not identify a house number. | Alice Tully Hall |
14 | Building level 1 | Additional building name or number. | Starr Theater, at Alice Tully Hall |
15 | Sub-building level 0 | Apartment, suite, or floor name or number. | 80, in 350 5th Avenue, Floor 80 |
16 | Sub-building level 1 | Apartment, suite, or floor information, when paired with Sub-building level 0 information. | 80-18, where 18 is the suite number and 80 is the floor number |
17 | Organization level 0 | Company name. | Address Doctor GmbH |
18 | Organization level 1 | Additional corporate information, such as a parent company. | Informatica Corporation |
19 | Country level 0 | Country name. | United States of America |
20 | Country level 1 | Territory. | United States Virgin Islands |
Code | Description |
2 | The address element is required for delivery but is not present in the input address. The address reference data contains the missing address element. An output of 2 indicates that address is not valid for delivery without the address element. |
3 | The address element is a house number or street number that is outside the valid range for the address. For example, the address element contains a house number that does not exist on the specified street. Suggestion list mode returns alternative addresses. |
4 | Address validation cannot verify or correct the address element because the input address contains more than one instance of the element. |
5 | The address element is ambiguous in the current address, and the address reference data contains alternatives. Address validation copies the input element to the output address. For example, the address element is a valid post code that does not match a valid locality in the address. |
6 | The address element contradicts another element in the address. Address validation cannot determine the correct element for the address. The output address copies the input address. |
7 | The address element cannot be corrected without multiple changes to the address. Address validation can correct the address, but the number of changes indicate that the address is not reliable. |
8 | The data does not conform to mail carrier validation rules. |
Code | Description |
0 | The input address contains no data at the current position. |
1 | The reference data does not contain the data at the current position. |
2 | Cannot check the data because the reference data is missing. |
3 | The data at the current position is incorrect. The reference database suggests that the number or delivery service value is outside the range that the reference data expects. In batch and certified modes, the transformation passes the input data at the current position uncorrected as output. |
4 | The data at the current position matches the reference data but contains errors. |
5 | The data at the current position matches the reference data, but the transformation corrected or standardized the data. |
6 | The data at the current position matches the reference data without any error. |
Code | Description |
0 | The input address contains no data at the current position. |
1 | The transformation moved the element at the current position to another position in the output address. |
2 | The element at the current position matched the reference data value, but the transformation normalized the element in the output address. |
3 | The data at the current position is correct. |
Code | Description |
0 | Not relevant to delivery to the address. |
1 | Relevant to delivery to the address. The national postal carrier cannot deliver to the address without the data at this position in the output string. |
Code | Description |
0 | The output address contains no data at the current position. |
1 | The transformation cannot find the data at the current position in the reference data. The transformation copies the input data to the output data. |
2 | Data at the current position is not checked but is standardized. |
3 | Data at the current position is checked but does not match the reference data. The reference data suggests that the number data is not in the valid range. The transformation copies the input data to the output port. Applies in batch mode. |
4 | The transformation copies the input data to the output data because the reference data is missing. |
5 | Data at the current position is validated but not changed because multiple matches exist in the reference data. Applies in batch mode. |
6 | Data validation deleted the input value at the current position. |
7 | Data at the current position is validated but the input data contained a spelling error. Validation corrected the error with a value from the reference data. |
8 | Data at the current position is validated and updated with a value from the reference data. A value of 8 can also mean that the reference database contains additional data for the input element. For example, validation can add a building number or sub-building number if it finds a perfect match for the street name or building name. |
9 | Data at the current position is validated but not changed, and the delivery status is not clear. For example, the DPV value is wrong. |
C | Data at the current position is validated and verified, but the name data is out of date. Validation changed the name data. |
D | Data at the current position is validated and verified but changed from an exonym to an official name. |
E | Data at the current position is validated and verified. However, address validation standardized the character case or the language. Address validation can change the language if the value fully matches a language alternative. For example, address validation can change "Brussels" to "Bruxelles" in a Belgian address. |
F | Data at the current position is validated, verified, and not changed, due to a perfect match with the reference data. |
Code | Description |
0 | The output address contains no data at the current position. |
1 | Address validation does not recognize the country data. |
4 | Address validation identifies the country from the Default Country value in the Address Validator transformation. |
5 | Address validation cannot determine the country because the reference data contains multiple matches. |
6 | Address validation identifies the country from a script. |
7 | Address validation identifies the country from the address format. |
8 | Address validation identifies the country from major town data. |
9 | Address validation identifies the country from province data. |
C | Address validation identifies the country from territory data. |
D | Address validation identifies the country from the country name, but the name contains errors. |
E | Address validation identifies the country from the address data, for example from an ISO code or a country name. |
F | Address validation identifies the country from the Force Country value set in the Address Validator transformation. |
Code | Description |
1 | Address reference data contains additional information about the address element. Address validation does not require the additional information. |
2 | Address validation updated the address element to resolve a data error or format error. Address validation did not verify the address element. |
3 | Address validation updated the address element to resolve a data error or format error. Address validation verified the number data in the address element. |
4 | Address validation moved the address element to another field to resolve a format error. |
5 | Address reference data contains an alternative version of the address element, such as a preferred locality name. |
6 | Address validation did not verify all parts of the address element. The element includes data that address validation cannot validate. |
7 | Address validation found a valid address element in the wrong position in an address. Address validation moved the address element to the correct position. |
8 | Address validation found a valid address element in the wrong data field. Address validation moved the address element to the correct field. |
9 | Address validation generated the output element according to mail carrier validation rules. |
A | Address validation found address elements from different address types that are eligible for the current position. Address validation selected the output address element that conforms the mail carrier rules in the destination country. |
B | Address validation cannot determine the element relevance. Address validation returns the default value for the country that the address specifies. |
C | Suggestion list mode. Address validation can return additional address suggestions for the address element. To return the additional suggestions, update the Max Result Count property for the Address Validator transformation. |
D | Address validation interpolated the numeric data in the address element. |
E | Address validation cannot return the address element in the preferred language. Address validation returns the element in the default language. |
F | Address code lookup mode. The input address is out of date. |
Code | Description |
5 | Fully certain of delivery |
4 | Almost certain of delivery |
3 | Confident of delivery |
2 | Reasonably confident of delivery |
1 | Delivery is doubtful |
0 | Undeliverable |
Code | Description |
A1 | Address code lookup found a partial address or a complete address for the input code. |
A0 | Address code lookup found no address for the input code. |
C4 | Corrected. All postally relevant elements are checked. |
C3 | Corrected. Some elements cannot be checked. |
C2 | Corrected, but the delivery status is unclear due to absent reference data. |
C1 | Corrected, but the delivery status is unclear because user standardization introduced errors. |
I4 | Data cannot be corrected completely, but there is a single match with an address in the reference data. |
I3 | Data cannot be corrected completely, and there are multiple matches with addresses in the reference data. |
I2 | Data cannot be corrected. Batch mode returns partial suggested addresses. |
I1 | Data cannot be corrected. Batch mode cannot suggest an address. |
N7 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because single-line validation is not unlocked. |
N6 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because single-line validation is not supported for the destination country. |
N5 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because the reference database is out of date. |
N4 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because the reference data is corrupt or badly formatted. |
N3 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because the country data cannot be unlocked. |
N2 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because the required reference database is not available. |
N1 | Validation error. Validation did not take place because the country is not recognized or not supported. |
Q3 | Suggestion List mode. Address validation can retrieve one or more complete addresses from the address reference data that correspond to the input address. |
Q2 | Suggestion List mode. Address validation can combine the input address elements and elements from the address reference data to create a complete address. |
Q1 | Suggestion List mode. Address validation cannot suggest a complete address. To generate a complete address suggestion, add data to the input address. |
Q0 | Suggestion List mode. There is insufficient input data to generate a suggestion. |
RB | Country recognized from abbreviation. Recognizes ISO two-character and ISO three-character country codes. Can also recognize common abbreviations such as "GER" for Germany. |
RA | Country recognized from the Force Country setting in the transformation. |
R9 | Country recognized from the Default Country setting in the transformation. |
R8 | Country recognized from the country name. |
R7 | Country recognized from the country name, but the transformation identified errors in the country data. |
R6 | Country recognized from territory data. |
R5 | Country recognized from province data. |
R4 | Country recognized from major town data. |
R3 | Country recognized from the address format. |
R2 | Country recognized from a script. |
R1 | Country not recognized because multiple matches are available. |
R0 | Country not recognized. |
S4 | Parse mode. The address was parsed perfectly. |
S3 | Parse mode. The address was parsed with multiple results. |
S1 | Parse mode. There was a parsing error due to an input format mismatch. |
V4 | Verified. The input data is correct. Address validation checked all postally relevant elements, and inputs matched perfectly. |
V3 | Verified. The input data is correct, but some or all elements were standardized, or the input contains outdated names or exonyms. |
V2 | Verified. The input data is correct, but some elements cannot be verified because of incomplete reference data. |
V1 | Verified. The input data is correct, but user standardization has negatively impacted deliverability. For example, the post code length is too short. |
Value | Description |
EGC0 | Cannot append geocodes to the input address because geocodes are not available for the address. |
EGC1-3 | Reserved for future use. |
EGC4 | Geocodes are partially accurate to the postal code level. |
EGC5 | Geocodes are accurate to the postal code level. |
EGC6 | Geocodes are accurate to the locality level. |
EGC7 | Geocodes are accurate to the street level. |
EGC8 | Geocodes are accurate to the house number level. The geocodes estimate the house number location and include an offset to the side of the street that contains the mailbox. |
EGC9 | Geocodes are accurate to the arrival point or rooftop. |
EGCA | Geocodes are accurate to the center of the parcel of land. |
EGCC | The geocode database is corrupted. |
EGCN | Cannot find the geocode database. |
EGCU | The geocode database is not unlocked. |