Developer Transformation Guide > Bad Record Exception Transformation > Bad Record Exception Ports

Bad Record Exception Ports

Configure the input and output ports on the Ports tab of the Bad Record Exception transformation.
The Bad Record Exception transformation contains groups of input and output ports.
The following figure shows the Ports tab:
The Ports tab includes the Data, Quality Issues, and Control groups of input ports. The output ports include the standard output ports, the bad records group of ports, and the issues group of ports. The Data group includes ports that describe a customer, such as the ID, company, contact, and address. The quality issues group contains ports for company status, locality status, province status, and country status. The Control group of input ports includes the Score port.

Bad Record Exception Transformation Input Ports

A Bad Record Exception transformation has separate input groups for the data, the quality issues, and the record score.
The Bad Record Exception transformation has the following input groups:
The source data fields.
Quality Issues
Contains ports that describe record quality problems. Quality issue ports contain strings such as "Excess_Characters" or "Bad_Data_Format." You can have multiple quality issues in each record. The transformation does not associate ports in the Quality Issues group to source data fields until you assign the issues to data ports in the Issue Assignment view.
The record score. The Exception transformation analyzes the record score to determine if input rows are exceptions. If you do not connect the Score port, the Exception transformation identifies a row as an exception if a Quality Issues port contains data.

Bad Record Exception Transformation Output

A Bad Record Exception transformation has multiple output groups.
The Bad Record Exception transformation has the following output groups:
Standard Output
The good quality records that you do not need to examine for data quality issues.
Each record in the Standard Output group contains a Score port that represents the data quality of the record.
Bad Records
The exceptions that you need to examine for data quality issues.
Each record in the Bad Records group contains a workflow ID, a row identifier, and a record status port.
The quality issues for records in the Bad Records group. The quality issues are metadata elements that the Analyst tool displays when you review the bad records.
Each record in the Issues group contains a workflow ID and a row identifier port that identifies which bad record row that the issues belong to.
Rejected Records
Optional group that contains records that you might remove from the database. Each record in the Rejected Records group contains a low record score in the Score port.