Developer Transformation Guide > Transformation Caches > Cache Size Increase by the Data Integration Service

Cache Size Increase by the Data Integration Service

The Data Integration Service creates each memory cache based on the configured cache size. In some situations, the Data Integration Service might increase the configured cache size because it requires more cache memory.
The Data Integration Service might increase the configured cache size for one of the following reasons:
Configured cache size is less than the minimum cache size required to process the operation.
The Data Integration Service requires a minimum amount of memory to initialize each mapping. If the configured cache size is less than the minimum required cache size, then the Data Integration Service increases the configured cache size to meet the minimum requirement. If the Data Integration Service cannot allocate the minimum required memory, the mapping fails.
Configured cache size is not a multiple of the cache page size.
The Data Integration Service stores cached data in cache pages. The cached pages must fit evenly into the cache. For example, if you configure 10 MB (1,048,576 bytes) for the cache size and the cache page size is 10,000 bytes, then the Data Integration Service increases the configured cache size to 1,050,000 bytes to make it a multiple of the 10,000-byte page size.
When the Data Integration Service increases the configured cache size, it continues to run the mapping and writes the following messages in the mapping log:
INFO: MAPPING, TE_7212, Increasing [Index Cache] size for transformation <transformation name> from <configured cache size> to <new cache size>.
INFO: MAPPING, TE_7212, Increasing [Data Cache] size for transformation <transformation name> from <configured cache size> to <new cache size>.