Developer Transformation Guide > Case Converter Transformation > Case Strategy Properties

Case Strategy Properties

You can configure properties for case conversion strategies.
On the Strategies view, you can configure the following case conversion properties:
Conversion Type
Defines the case conversion method that a strategy uses. You can apply the following case conversion types:
The default case conversion method is uppercase.
Leave Uppercase Words Unchanged
Overrides the chosen capitalization for uppercase strings.
Defines how capitalization functions for title case conversion. For example, choose a dash as a delimiter to transform "smith-jones" to "Smith-Jones." The default delimiter is the space character.
Reference Table
Applies the capitalization format specified by a reference table. Applies only if the case conversion option is Title Case or Sentence case. Click New to add a reference table to the strategy.
Note: If a reference table match occurs at the start of a token, the next character in the token changes to uppercase. For example, if the input string is mcdonald and the reference table has an entry for Mc, the output string is McDonald.