Developer Transformation Guide > Labeler Transformation > Character Labeling Properties

Character Labeling Properties

Configure properties for character labeling operations on the Strategies view in the Labeler transformation.

General Properties

General properties apply to all character labeling operations you define in the strategy. You use the general properties to name the strategy and specify input and output ports.
The following table describes the general properties:
Provides a name for the strategy.
Identifies the input ports that the strategy operations can read.
Identifies the output ports that the strategy operations can write to.
Provides a text description of the strategy. This is an optional property.

Reference Table Properties

When you define a character labeling strategy, you can add operations to label with character sets and with reference tables. You use the reference table properties to specify how the transformation uses reference tables.
The following table describes the reference table properties:
Provides a name for the operation.
Reference Table
Specifies reference tables that the transformation uses to label characters.
Specifies the replacement text for input characters that match reference table entries.
Override other labels in strategy
Determines whether this labeling operation overrides other labeling operations.

Character Set Properties

When you define a character labeling strategy, you can add operations to label with character sets and with reference tables. You use the character set properties to specify how the transformation uses character sets.
The following table describes the character set properties:
Provides a name for the operation.
Select Character Sets
Specifies the character sets that the transformation uses to label strings.
You can override the replacement text for input strings that match the character set. Click the selection arrow in the Label column to enter custom replacement text.
Filter text
Uses characters or wildcards you enter to filter the list of character sets.
Add Character Set
Select to define a custom character set.
Edit the contents of a custom character set.
Allows you to create nonreusable copies of character sets that are stored in content sets. Changes to the original character set do not update the copies you store in the Labeler transformation.
Deletes a custom character set.
Specify Execution Order
Sets the order in which the operation applies the token sets to the data. Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order.

Filter Properties

You can specify values to skip during a labeling operation. Use the Ignore Text properties to specify values to which labeling operations will not apply.
The following table describes the filter properties:
Search Term
Specifies strings that the transformation filters before performing labeling. Use this feature to specify exceptions to your defined labeling strategy.
Case Sensitive
Determines whether filtered strings must match the case of the search term.
Converts filtered strings to uppercase.
Specifies the character position to start searching for filtered string.
Specifies the character position to stop searching for filtered string.