Developer Transformation Guide > Java Transformation > Compiling a Java Transformation

Compiling a Java Transformation

The Developer tool uses the Java compiler to compile the Java code and generate the byte code for the transformation.
The Java compiler compiles the Java code and displays the results of the compilation in the Results window in the Compilation properties on the code entry tabs. The Java compiler installs with the Developer tool in the java/bin directory.
To compile the full code for the Java transformation, click Compile in the Compilation propertieson the Full Code tab.
When you create a Java transformation, it contains a Java class that defines the base functionality for a Java transformation. The full code for the Java class contains the template class code for the transformation, plus the Java code you define on the code entry tabs.
When you compile a Java transformation, the Developer tool adds the code from the code entry tabs to the template class for the transformation to generate the full class code for the transformation. The Developer tool then calls the Java compiler to compile the full class code. The Java compiler compiles the transformation and generates the byte code for the transformation.
The results of the compilation display in the Results window. Use the results of the compilation to identify and locate Java code errors.