Developer Transformation Guide > Match Transformation > Configuring a Match Analysis Operation

Configuring a Match Analysis Operation

To configure a match operation, connect source data to the Match transformation and edit the properties in the transformation views.
    1. Create a Match transformation and connect source data to the transformation.
    2. Select the Match Type view and choose a match type.
    3. Configure the properties for the type of match operation that you select.
    If you selected a dual source match type, configure the Master Data Set property.
    4. Select the Strategies view and choose Define match strategies.
    5. Click New.
    The New Match Strategy wizard opens.
    6. Choose a match strategy and click Next.
    7. Optionally, edit the weight and null match settings. Click Next.
    8. Double-click the cells in the Available column to select the input ports to analyze.
    Click Next to configure another strategy, or click Finish to exit the wizard.
    Note: To edit the strategy configuration, click the arrow in the cell for that strategy in the Strategies view.
    9. Select the Match Output view.
    Choose a match output type and configure the properties.