Creating a Normalizer Transformation from an Upstream Source
You can create an empty Normalizer transformation and drag the ports from a source data object or from a transformation into the Normalizer transformation to create input and ports.
1. Create a mapping that includes the source or transformation to pass the source data to the Normalizer transformation.
2. To create the Normalizer transformation, select the Normalizer transformation from the Transformation palette and drag the transformation to the editor.
The Normalizer dialog box appears.
3. Click Finish to create an empty transformation.
4. Select ports from a source or transformation in the mapping and drag them to the Normalizer transformation.
The input and output ports appear in the Normalizer transformation. The Developer tool creates one input group and one output group.
5. Open the Normalizer view to update the default group and organize fields into records as required.
6. To merge multiple fields into a single multiple-occurring field, select the fields in the Normalizer view and click the Merge option.
Choose a name for the multiple-occurring field.