Developer Transformation Guide > Match Transformations in Field Analysis > Field Match Advanced Properties

Field Match Advanced Properties

The transformation includes advanced properties that determine the number of execution instances, how the transformation analyzes identical rows, and the tracing level for log data.
You can configure the following advanced properties:
Execution Instances
Determines the number of threads that the transformation uses at run time.
The Match transformation uses a single execution instance in field match analysis. You can edit the number of execution instances when you configure the transformation for identity match analysis.
Filter Exact Match
Determines whether the transformation applies the comparison algorithm in a match strategy to pairs of identical records in the input data.
When the transformation finds a pair of identical records, the algorithm does not need to analyze the levels of similarity between the records. The transformation can pass the records directly to the output stage without additional analysis. To configure the transformation to pass the identical records directly to the output stage, select Filter Exact Match. When the input data contains many identical rows, the comparison algorithm performs fewer calculations, and the mapping runs faster.
Select the option when the input data contains many identical rows. Do not select the option if the input data does not contain many identical rows, as the transformation might run more slowly.
Note: The transformation output contains the same record data when you select or clear the option. The transformation might assign different link scores and driver scores to the output records when you select and clear the option.
Tracing Level
Amount of detail that appears in the log for this transformation. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.