Match Transformation Views
The Match transformation organizes the options that you can configure on a series of views. In a reusable transformation, the views appear as tabs on the Developer tool canvas. To open a view, click a tab. In a nonreusable transformation, the views appear as a list on the canvas. To open a view, click an item on the list.
When you configure a match analysis operation, you can configure the following views:
- General
- Use the General view to update the name and the description of a nonreusable Match transformation. The description is optional.
- Ports
- Use the Ports view to verify the input ports and output ports on a nonreusable Match transformation.
- Overview
- Use the Overview to update the name and the description of a reusable transformation. The description is optional. You also use the Overview to create the input ports and output ports on a reusable transformation.
- Match Type
- Use the Match Type view to select the type of duplicate analysis that the transformation performs. You can select field match analysis or identity match analysis. You can specify a single data source or two data sources.
- Strategies
- Use the Strategies view to define one or more strategies to analyze the input data. You select two data columns in each strategy, and you assign a match analysis algorithm to the columns.
- Match Output
- Use the Match Output view to specify the structure and format of the output data.
- Parameters
- Use the Parameters view to define any parameter that the Data Integration Service can apply to the transformation when you run a mapping that contains the transformation.
- Advanced
- Use the Advanced view to specify the following properties:
- - The level of detail in any log message that the mapping writes for the transformation.
- - The number of processes that identity match operations use when you run a mapping that contains the transformation.
- - Whether the transformation passes data from identical records directly to the output ports. You can filter identical records when you configure the transformation to write clustered output.
The following image shows the views on a Match transformation that you configure for identity analysis with a persistent index store: