Developer Transformation Guide > Key Generator Transformation > String Strategy

String Strategy

The String strategy creates group keys from substrings in input data.
You can specify the length and location of a substring within the input column. For example, you can configure this strategy to create a key from the first four characters in the input string.

String Strategy Properties

Configure the String strategy properties to determine the substrings that the Key Generator transformation uses to create a group key.
The following table describes the String strategy properties:
Start from left
Configures the transformation to read the input field from left to right.
Start from right
Configures the transformation to read the input field from right to left.
Start position
Specifies the number of characters to skip. For example, if you enter 3 for the Start position, the substring starts at the fourth character in the input field, starting from the side that you specify.
Specifies the length of the string to use as a group key. Enter 0 to use the whole input field.